If you do go to ff14

Do not boost.
You will have a bad time 99% of the time if you boost.
I have tons of alts in wow, I get the idea that leveling sounds awful and boring and is just barrier to the good stuff.
That’s not how ff14 works. If you approach it that way, you are wasting your money and time.

WoW and FF14 might both be MMOs but they are very different games. Don’t approach them the same way.


100% agree.

It’s a very slow burn. You are going to get through very trivial things that you might feel are not worth your time. You either have to eventually decide if you’re going to tough through it or it’s not the game for you. There is no shame in admitting that.

People who get through the rough parts of the MSQ are rewarded with some of the best storytelling you’ll find in an MMO.


Ff14 chads…
I kneel…


I’ve been enjoying leveling in final fantasy, the world and story is so immersive


Yeah, boosts are totally for people starting over on a new server, or wanting a new race.

:rofl: time to add a FFXIV category in the wow forums I guess. Not saying that’s not good advice.


Indeed Kaal, it is time

You’re right, don’t boost.

The thing with FF14 is people dislike the cutscenes. I admit, I did “at first” but man, after reaching the end of ARR I realized that it’s worth it in the end. Reaching a culmination point of a narrative is SO SATISFYING!!! Defeating the Ultima Weapon and Van Balzar was so freaking epic I can’t put it into words. I’m LEVELING and that entire story experience has been better and more satisfying than anything WoW has put out in the last 10yrs.

No literally, when I reached the end of ARR I felt I accomplished so much and felt like such a boss that it was worth paying attention to the narrative and doing all those quests. At first I thought I’d prefer to do like WoW, just blitz to endgame, not care about story, and mindlessly grind purples but FF14 taught me differently. I’m now paying super close attention to the cutscenes and smiling throughout most. It’s really amazing. WoW is now OFFICIALLY my “side” game, and I likely won’t even login once my subscription is up. Haven’t logged in like a week now. I have no motivation knowing only Korthia and wiping on Painsmith is waiting for me.

When it comes to rather having barely any story and rushing to endgame, or having too much story and reaching endgame taking forever. I definitely praise having more detailed story and love for your game now.


You have to sit through the setup to appreciate the pay off.

For people who liked SWTOR, there are job questlines per job that are basically like Light Side only class quests from SWTOR.

It’s so, so, so damn good.


This needs pounded into peoples brains.


Final Fantasy? Never heard of her.

Blizz is way ahead of you

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no point posting there, people crave the attention of GD.

I also like how they don’t forget about all the little details they introduce. Your character gets permanent waterbreathing relatively early in stormblood, and the writers actually remember that fact later in shadowbringers when someone casts a sleep spell on you and teleports you to the bottom of a lake to try to drown you.


FF14 is the first MMO/RPG I’ve played since Dragon Age: Origins where I’ve completely forgotten that I was progressing through a leveling system and just been engrossed in the story. Finished Stormblood last night, can’t wait to get into Shadowbringer.


but folks say the game’s better past ARR, which is the story that makes or breaks new players :stuck_out_tongue:

It is better, but without the context of ARR the events don’t have context and thus don’t make sense/have meaning to the player.

Cutscenes can be good or bad, hate when players rush through the cutscenes so you feel left out but yeah, FF is a solid game.

I kind of want to go back but I forgot my ID and all that. I should check my emails.

You from Zozo? :wink:


Levels are kind of… irrelevant to the story progression so racing to cap is kind of pointless. Every instance is unlocked via story and when you do most of them it works like (better) time walking - with you being placed at the level that piece of content was relevant.

Work’s well and after a bit you just relax and enjoy the ride.

I think the best recommendation I can give the game is to watch a bunch of the streamers who are discovering it atm. A few (those who boosted) didn’t like it or get it (which is fair). The rest, though? They seem to be having a great time, often despite themselves.