There’s no bad healers in NWC either. Remember monk healers doing 300K hps for no mana?
Guess what… thats not how it works. Nobody gave a rat tail about shadow priest and they cried so hard they got attention. So let monks cry as hard as they want and be SUPPORTIVE cause its free buddy. They might even go and help u in a post of guardian druid to make blizzard pay attention.
No mana? LOL okbruh
That was a BUG as a result of a talent. Blizzard couldn’t even take 5mins to nerf correctly. So they shredded the talent gone.
Remember that?
Oh… guess not!
Why are you replying to my comment, to me- but talking to somebody else?
Still looks like something I’d see after a really spicy taco
I’ve been very supportive to Surv/Sub/MW/WW. These are the specs that get constantly ignored. Its even in my starting post.
Both Surv/MW got changes in 7.0 that no1 wanted. After Blizzard realized the mistake they started to ignore the specs.
I remember them nerfing it because monk players always find a way to be broken OP. That’s why there’s always a monk tank in the 1st CE of every raid. Maybe if you guys would stop breaking the game, they’d give you attention
Please do your best to ignore Swalsh, he’s an absolute troll when it comes to anything Mists of Pandaria related.
I play all the classes and i get where r u coming from. Guardian and feral need a lot of love and balance is gettin the worst changes in years making druid=resto. And trust me, if i see a post asking for replies or likes to be top and make blizz read it, i will.
The 300k hps build was the result of an insane amount of haste stacking that wouldn’t have been possible without corruption, and yet they saw the need to nerf the talent.
Now we have a corruption vendor and holy pallies on farm doing 300k hps with perma wings and no one blinks an eye.
Don’t forget the 500k dps fire mages!
There are many people on this forum without empathy or perspective.
One side wants bugs to be fixed, classes to feel good, and gameplay to be fun.
The other side views everything as an adversarial tribal conflict between players, and if the developers of a video game that is SUPPOSED TO BE FUN won’t fix one thing they like, then screw you, you can’t have anything fun either.
The second group should be ashamed of themselves. Your fellow players, who love the game as much as you do, want the game to be fun for everyone. Stop it.
Doing it during progression is different than doing it on farm. One is moral. Blizz punished the cheaters
Like most of the Monks in this thread, who never have any sympathy for classes way worse off than they are, and a lot of us are just tired of it and are going to call you out from now on.
Shamans are garbage but you don’t see the sheer amount of QQ as you do from monks who think they’re special
My sympathy for other classes is in my main post at the bottom. Get over yourself.
Mhm, yeah sure.
You are a bear. What do you want? You claw and roar and can take a good amount of damage and are fun to heal.
There are these wonderful things called Class trials that start at a high level. Get them out of the testing scenario, go to a legion zone and cast Fists of Fury right before a mob dies. Every single time you will be stuck in combat for 10 seconds. That has been reported for who knows how long and is still a present bug.
You are dead. So stop with trying to justify getting it on with that female night elf in Goldshire.
Or Ret Paladins, for another good example.