If you could retcon the Burning of Teldrassil, would you?

No, I do mean retcon. World of Warcraft Chronicle, Volume III, Page 196:

    After Thrall had departed, Garrosh turned his gaze northwest, to the lush forest of Ashenvale. It was a land of plenty, and it was well within the Horde's reach. Most of the region belonged to the night elves, but that did not stop Garrosh from sending troops into the woodlands. He was not interested in asking the Alliance for resources or trading for them. Why would he do that, when he could simply take what he wanted by force?

Was pretty sure the Cata manual stated that he started the war too, but hey.

Which ended up meaning little in the end, as it was first and foremost, a Horde story… just like the story we have now.


Ah, it brings a warmth to these dusty bones to remember these glory days.

Are you kidding? The whole “it was all dream” meme is trite and stupid and it is still an improvement.


I see your achievements, Cailias. You worked for Malfurion at Mount Hyjal. I see you for the filthy Night Elf loving tree hugger you are on the inside.


Hey, he offered me a cool Hippogryph.

It was on fire.

You see my spec, right? How could I say no to a FLAMING WINGED ANTLER BIRD

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Inspecting further: And Val’sharah, too? Malfurion wasn’t enough for you, was he? You had to work for Tyrande as well, didn’t you? For shame, Cailias.

Listen, I’m not personally saying that the Night Elves had nothing happen to them at Garrosh’s hands, just that everything that happened to Jaina overshadowed it and continues to overshadow it ~8 years later.

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Yes, maybe one token Night Elf, so they can say that they weren’t left out. After all, Tyrande got her fill of vengeance according to the devs.


And Teldrassil overshadows Theramore, and probably will till the end of time, but here we are with “Tyrande got her revenge for the Night Elves” just as you predicted in your post I initially responded to.


That’s pretty much all that Night Elf men are good for. Dress them up properly they do make good doormen. The job doesn’t call for them to stress their brains too much… just stand and look feral.

I’d use worgen, but they shed too much.

Joke’s on you. All the Night Elves at the Siege of Orgrimmar were women.


Pretty much what I’m here for.

WoW: 10.0 drops
Forums: aghast and ablaze because Tyrande is eating Orc babies
Me: “Justified. Teldrassil. /thread.”

I mean sure. Im not even really disagreeing with you on anything? Just pointing out that Jaina was the chosen child for revenge against Garrosh not Night Elves. Blizzard never presented them to the player base as a suffering victim of Garrosh they way they did with Jaina.

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And yet thrall randomly show up and stolen the kill.


We had a whole questline about Night Elves joining the Druids of the Flame because the Horde attacking them in Ashevale, with Leyara specifically joining because the Horde firebombed Astranaar and killed her little daughter.


And Jaina basically got two novels detailing her emotional turmoil caused by Theramore and is still getting quests and cutscenes dealing with it. Do you really think Blizzard has presented anyone suffering nearly as much as Jaina when it comes to Garrosh?

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I do believe that is the criticism Blizzard has not learned from, and everything you keep saying just illustrating more of why this is MoP 2.0. Night Elves get attacked, Jaina takes the spotlight.

We’ll that’s a fine position to take. Again, wasn’t implying that Jaina is actually the only person suffering. Just that it’s the most visible.

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Which is why we get threads like this asking it people would retcon the burning of Teldrassil if Blizzard isn’t going to follow up on it properly.