If you could meet anyone on ED?

If you could meet anyone from Emerald Dream server, past or present. Who would it be? Cause I got an idea.

Henry Cavill.

I know he plays WoW. I’m not sure if he plays on Emerald Dream. That is a possibility lol

I bet hes on an EU realm, but uh, I like to assume I’ve played with him in LFG.

I suppose I would meet “King” Hinik, Ankor. Faranell Imfernal. Oh, and knivz the magician/wizard. Also I’d like to meet Zurga.

Most people give off stinky vibes here. Including myself.

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I’ve already met up with Dipso but I’d like to get all our ret squad boys together one day. Seven, Kained, Dipso, and myself together and go crusading IRL.

I cringed irl upon reading this

oi, you get your butt back here and let me hug you

/spit is basically how I hug

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Are you him?

Did I mention, I’d like to meet zajiwa, bhootam, rhooja, toie, heimdel, himanshu, aitana, and quite a few others

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Who else would everyone meet? I’d like to propose a meet up.

No one.

Y’all weird.

this hurt zenal

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I’d love to meet Dragrosh. Hopefully he hasn’t quit.


I still play, forums hasn’t updated the toon but Soulshatter and I are on alliance wra. All the og boys and real ones are here too if you wanna meet em. Ed is more toast then a certain worgen dk in black rock mountain. It’s been a blast, should come try it if ED is still a burning mess.