If you could make 1 change, what would it be?

Hey fellow ragers(warrior not nerd),

If you could make one change to your main spec on your warrior, what would it be? There are lots of balancing things I could mention, but truly all classes have highs and lows. My main wish at this time would be to get rid of SMF and open up weapon transmogs for the weaponmasters of WOW. Using 2 2hers? Your 2hers bigger than your character and held awkwardly AF? All good mog to 1hers. Want to bash people with a 2h mace while tanking? So it shall be.

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For our stamina node to not be in the third rung of the class tree and for it to be in the first or second.

Pisses me off to no end how it’s competing with DPS nodes at the end of the tree as opposed to being in an easy to link place in the early part of the tree.

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It is a bit clunky, I agree. Hopefully we will get the hunter/paladin/druid level of love for the talent tree in the next big patch after this one.

Is Changing the devs team who work on warrior counts?


Came here to suggest the same thing. Would like to change the brain trust behind fury balance. They’ve been out of touch for years.


Hire good Warrior Dev’s/


Here is a list of things I would love to see happen to warrior. I specifically main fury, but I’m sure some of this could be spread to the other specs.

  1. As you mentioned, remove SMF, it’s a dead talent. Instead let’s give the SMF bois the option to transmog 2 handers into 1 handers. This would also open up neat transmog ideas as you could have a 2 hander in main hand, and a 1 hander in off.

  2. Merge/ remove abilities. It’s no secret most classes have button bloat, and while yes Fury might not have as many buttons as other classes, it’s still too much. Here’s a small list of things I would condense, remove, or rework.
    -Make Battle shout an aura. Removes a button that doesn’t need to be there. Plus you won’t have that person who died and was battle resed yelling at you to buff them, wasting a precious GCD.
    -Have Recklessness become a spell you can customize with effects like Avatar, Dragon’s roar, Odyn’s fury, and bladestorm. Meaning everything would be moved to 1 button, you would get all the effect, and the button would poop out all the things you empower with it. Everyone already plays the game with trying to line up all their CD’s to maximize damage, why not just design it that way. Yes, you can macro a lot of this to happen, but that just seems like an unnecessary step. This would also close the gap on skill levels. Right now, you have to pop your CD’s in a certain order to maximize damage. And this order changes randomly from tier to tier, it’s kinda annoying having to learn a new order of operations when we could just have one ultimate button.

  3. Champion’s Spear is a terrible ability. I honestly don’t understand how anyone could of ever liked this dumb thing. The thing I hate most about it is that it’s a required ST ability in raid. It’s a skill shot ability, that it’s main effect, “chain a target to a location” doesn’t even work. We only use it for the crit gain if the boss is standing in it. Which means if a tank has to move the boss. . . well. . .there goes my hero! It’s soooo bad. I vote that they remove the ability completely, and instead have an ability called, “Raise the Flag.” This ability would put a flag on your back (think blademaster) and while the flag is on your back, you get the increased crit %. And ultimately this ability could be merged into the reck button idea mentioned above.

  4. I’m not 100% sold on this idea, but I think meat clever should also be an aura, or something that’s always activated if you spec into it, or even something you can toggle on. I’m sorry but hitting WW every 5th ability is annoying. Remember in Legion when you had to do it every 3rd ability? That was a nightmare. It’s still bad today. Other classes don’t have to do this, why does warrior AOE? I would change this up for sure.

  5. Increase the melee range. We are using giant 2 handers for crying out loud. Why are we one of the few melee specs that have to be right up a bosses butt to hit it? This needs to be adjusted for sure.

And that’s a small list I have. I’m sure I have other ideas, but these are some that immediately come to mind after playing fury since Legion.


kinda thematic if prot could use polearms in 1h, kinda like a shield + spear style
I mean I could give meaningful game balance suggestions but for the rule of cool alone, a phalanx style for prot sounds neat


If I could change anything? Hmm. Tough call, cause a lot is left to be desired. I think most of all, we need execute to be just absolutely super buffed. Bring it back to being the absolute king of big damage per press. It use to be like that, and they kept nerfing it into the ground since we had access to it a lot. They need to just let it hit as hard as it use to.
TL:DR - Make Execute a powerhouse of an ability again. Buffed to the nines and leave all the interactions it has. Sudden death, etc.

I certainly agree with this.


Bring back MOP arms


Dragon Charge with flags. Just blowing through enemy lines while tossing them up in the air…but perhaps that would be too OP.

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Make Blizzard a favour and delete Warrior <3
Jokes aside, I’d like for Warriors to have the Maldraxxus Banner as a baseline ability, or a class talent. I think it was such an unique ability and it would shift the Warrior placement in all contents, plus some utility that they REALLY lack.


I would remove odyns fury and replace it with WoD bloodbath

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I don’t want to worry about bleeds on arms. It takes up my talents, adds buttons I don’t want to press. I’m a warrior, I want to hit like a Mack truck. My damage arrives ON time, not over time.

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Remove the Global Cooldown from Sweeping Strikes.

Thats it. I would settle for that.

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Bring the Weapon Master theme back to Arms by allowing us to use different weapons with diffrent abilities that we can transmog.

Example, hit Mortal Strike? Your character pulls out a 2H Sword. Hit Overpower? 2H Axe or Polearm. Hit Slam or Colossus Smash? 2H Mace!

Wouldn’t do anything functional to the spec, but would bring some much needed visual flavor to Arms.

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I think I’d do the following:

  • Fury just always cleaves w/o needing to use Whirlwind. I’d probably just remove whirlwind. Even your auto attacks would cleave. I’d probably boost the white melee damage too so each melee swing feels a bit meatier. Maybe add a nice chunky thudd sound to crits. White Melee should be a big part of Fury’s damage. Windfury should be craaazy on them.
  • While you’re in Berserker stance, you are enraged.
  • +2m range
  • I’d probably take Ravager off the GCD. If anything is a long CD, I’d probably remove it from the GCD.
  • Change Sudden Death to allow you to use Execute once you hit a certain Rage Threshhold, Have a choice node you can now either pick Sudden Death or Rampage as your Rage Dump. Damage wise they’d average out to be the same. It’d mostly be a flavor thing. I’d change the animation for Execute to be a dual overhead slam / split the damage between two hits - one for each weapon. The right half of the tree would be about buffing execute and the left half of the tree would be about buffing Rampage.
  • Rampage would give a haste bufff, Execute would play a little slower but hit harder. They’d math out to do the same damage though. Might play around with Execute being a hold down skill, where you charge it up to determine how much rage you’re gonna use on it. (no movement penalty on this obviously, and the longer you charge it the more it does to make up for not being able to press your other buttons while charging it, so long as it doesn’t end up OP.) It’d mostly just be a feel thing to further distinguish it from rampage setups. Maybe give you a lil boost of damage if you perfectly time the release, give it an extra SCWHING sound to boot. (Assuming it’s fun like that – would scrap the charge up mechanic if it wasn’t fun)

That’d probably be it I guess. The Goal would mostly just be to clean up the rotation a bit. Might change up some visuals. It should feel like a meat grinder, be fairly easy to play, and I’d want the damage tuned to be consistently A-Tier. Their burst windows would be significantly weaker though.

Mountain Thane / Slayer would need reworks to fit the new setup.

I wouldn’t want it to be doing OP damage. It’d be tuned to be in line with other stout specs – the biggest characteristic of the spec would be consistency and low ramp up time.

I suppose if that’s too much though, I’d bring back Condemn. Loved that move so much.

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