If you could have one wish related to arena what would it be?

I would wish for BM hunter to be deleted from the game. I was going to say have all pet classes be deleted, but that might be too powerful of a wish, like wishing someone back to life, or wishing for more wishes.


I’d wish for every non top 0.5% gladiator title to turn in to a duelist title and for titles in general to go back to the way they were, additionally I’d ask for more consistent comms.


I said one wish and that’s a bit diabolical. But no judging. It is your wish after all.

I wish there were more average/casual players like me that played. Would be nice.


Shadowlands gearing to make a return, probably? Also transferrable conquest.

Dozer and Swole are right there.


There are levels to this game my friend. To me Swole may as well be Saul lol



I wish “zerg the rsham” in an ape lobby/small map wasn’t a viable strat.

Train the blue :blue_square:

Ye, being flamed for it made me call healing for the day.

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Ooh, what a fun thread!
Is it safe to assume that there wouldnt be any “monkey’s paw” repercussions?

I think my top three would be (in no particular order):

  1. Updated lfg: the system is over a decade old and in dire need of an update

  2. More consistent and GOOD communication. I’d like a dev to comment on the state of the game every month, what theyre thinking of for tuning and WHY and, if something is a hot button topic (like bm hunter), why they’re NOT making adjustments. Also to address things like mmr and how it works.

  3. Better pve gear. As someone who participates in both game modes, transitioning from pvp to pve is ROUGH, and limiting yourself early on with catalyst charges feels really bad. I think pvp gear being on the myth track would be awesome as it would incentivize pvers to pvp, but wouldn’t “force” them to, as they’d still be effected by the crest cap. It would allow better transition, improve participation, and reward players for being good at more than one area of the game.


Easy, more players in PVP across the board.


Shorter seasons and incentives to play mains.


but why???

faster queues,thats it


To become a Gladiator so people will respect and fear me.


Make it World of Warcraft again, not World of Stuncraft.


I wish people would find something outside of WoW to put effort into so they stopped caring so much about what subset of players is getting titles/mounts in a video game.


Who do you think is influencing this

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Mostly people that overvalue their borrowed pixels.

Also the “back in my day!!”s