If You Could Have One Spell or Ability from WoW, What Would It Be and How Would You Use It?

Hey everyone,

I was curious about something fun and thought-provoking: if you could take one spell or ability from World of Warcraft, whether it’s from the present game or any past expansions, what would it be and how would you use it in real life?

For me, I would choose Ignore Pain. As someone who is disabled and has gone through a lot of physical pain in my life, having the ability to ignore it would be life-changing. Being able to carry on with my daily tasks without being hindered by pain would allow me to work and provide for my family more effectively.

I’m really interested to hear what abilities you all would choose and how you’d incorporate them into your lives. Let’s get creative!


Any healing spell would be the most useful.

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Either cure disease or resurrection. For obvious uses.


I’d probably go with Far Sight or it’s equivalent. It would be nice to know how crowded a place would be or even just see what’s going on around the world in reality.

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/10 char

as a introvert myself I feel ya

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Blink. Id use it 20 times in a single grocery store trip every time i forget to pick something up down the aisle i just left.

Resurrection, any kind of heal, cleanse, etc.

or maybe Earthquake. :rofl:


as long as I get the cat form with it

Crime and shady politicians would have no were to hide form Adina!

Can we please stop with the heals and ressurects youre making me feel bad about just wanting to do my groceries quicker.


easy one

mind control


You could consider Mirror Image as well so you got like one person to get things, one person to queue in the line, and then maybe your real body is like having a spa day

Flight form

You don’t have to feel bad, with as many people who are picking it, diseases and death world not be a thing

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Mind control

Remember, this isn’t just player spells or abilities, it could be any ability or spell in the game. so like a hearthstone or some boss ability