If you could have another anthropomorphic (Animal/human Hybrid) for Horde

but you could simulate a similar combat by like, throwing a freebie/ sword from the mouth.

doggy with a weapon isnt a new concept. there are multiple examples of other creatures welding them to great effect…

could put some little paw weapons and poof. doggy does more from paw swipes.

they could do front flips to throw enemies to the ground.

they could have a sort of CC lock mechanic that holds so long as you channel the CC via a bite.

Half-man, half-monkey

We call it a Rhesus pieces

Walrus people :slight_smile:

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Blind cave-salamander people!

I’d love some bird people, we got mammals and lizards a plenty, but no birds.


like a centaur but instead of horse 1/2 hippo

I want Saberon.

There were a few that came through with the Mag’har and Botani.


what is that

These fellas. Basically edgy and slightly dumb knife cats.


How about Kobolds.

I would sell my soul to play a Hozen.

I’d make one an MM Hunter named “Dook Ookem” and he’ll wear sunglasses all the time.

“Am here to eat slickies and ook dookers, but am all out of slickies!”

can you imagine a jungle capital for them and they hide in the trees

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Bunny girls…

Naga or Sethrak. Need scales for variety’s sake.

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what about a furry naga

nightmare fuel

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I always thought naga would be sick! But I remember as a younger WoW player being bummed because the female naga didn’t look as killer as the males.
I still hold this opinion.


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what about newt people like from the show Ambiphiba