If you could have another anthropomorphic (Animal/human Hybrid) for Horde

would they have punk hair :open_mouth:

I would say, TIGER men.

Okā€¦ more like.



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Bigger and their racial will be extra bag slots from their cheeks.

Sentient Kangarooos mate! Or Dingos.

Have them already lol. But they look really funny with the wings out all the time lol.

Playable Tolā€™vir would be neat.

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Man so glad you redeemed yourself with the second and third picture LOL!

Insect-people, like Mantid.

Or Nerubians, they were my favorite.

If itā€™s furry fuel, I probably donā€™t like it. (Cute furry races.)

I know how ironic this sounds, coming from a Worgen, but I made one BECAUSE they can revert back to humans at will.

And, AND! THEY DONā€™T HAVE TAILS! Which I enjoy. Makes them different.

Also, Iā€™d ask for Centaur and Naga, Jinyu and Hozen. Lots of choices tbh.

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Yes, a distant cousin to the Man-Bear-Pigl


what about Hyenas cross with goblins

Sethrak would be at the top.
It would not be too far-fetched either, they already live very close to the Horde, are friendly with the Horde, and worked closely with them.

Another would be Hozen, and theyā€™ve been part of the Horde since MoP!

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I dunno about Horde, but I want lion-people for Alliance so badly it hurts.

Forget Anthropomorphisim. The next race should just be a dog. Youā€™re the champion hero of Azeroth but also literally just a dog. People pour their hearts out to you, send you on important tasks and noble quests. But youā€™re just a doggo.

All gear hidden except weapon, which is carried in the mouth. Except for in combat, you put it down and bite. Because youā€™re a dog. All animal type mounts now carry you by the scruff in their mouths. Machine mounts come complete with a pair of doggles to protect your canine eyes from the wind.



Faction of Peace needs something sufficiently #savage that isnā€™t also yiffbait, and Hozen have had an in since MoP when we decided Planet of the Apes was a great idea and gave machine guns to the monkeys.

Chimpanzees rip faces off for funnies. Iā€™m significantly more scared of those than some creep with poor hygiene in a tiger costume.

For horde? How about a space alien type of race like a blob fish.

I was totally hopeful for Manā€™ari for the Horde during BfA, but all that potential for roping in the universeā€™s undesirables was wasted on diapergnomes and furries.

Suppose those are also undesirable just for different reasons.

if we could sneak in some Okami like game play into itā€¦ that would prob be fun to play, combat wise.

I would LOVE some kind of cat, but with a feminine body type

Okami was a spirit being. Like a shinto god. You would just be a dog.

Someone pretending to throw the ball would be a 1min CC.

But just imagine how glorious it would be to level through Warlords of Dreanor and have a dramatic cut scene of Varian Wrynn granting you. The dog. Command of the Alliance garrison.