If you could create one new battleground, what would it be?

I’m a PvP main. Raiding and dungeons are fun I guess, but the PvP is addicting. Even when I’m on a losing streak, I still enjoy it.

I’m a little disappointed in the lack of new BGs in SL or DF. I wish they could’ve kept old Deepwind alongside new Deepwind, as well as Strand of the ancients alongside Wintergrasp.

That being said, if you we’re able to create one new BG, what would you do? Would it be an epic or a normal? PvPvE or strictly PvP? I’d love to hear some cool ideas.

Their problem when making Epic bg’s is they keep creating 2 ways to win. 1 is braindead easy and obviously the most saught after way to win, the other requires entirely too much coordination of the massive BG raid to depend on reliably. if epic, i’d say 2 easy ways to win at the very least

ANY BG (not just epics) should feature multiple ways to win.

The most basic formula for this is:
“Strategy A” if you win the teamfights.
“Strategy B” if you can’t win the teamfights.

This formula allows teams to win both by outgearing, as well as outstrategizing the enemy team.

To give a basic example: Silvershard Mines has a “take lava and have a couple people get offcarts” meta, but there is an entire extra set of tracks to be used by teams seeking to outplay the enemy team. This is good.

Having multiple ways to win raises the skill cap, or the “ceiling” of what is the most skilled way one can play a BG. This allows for more opportunities to outplay, and shake up the meta to prevent BGs from becoming stale, boring, or “determined by who has the better comp/gear.”

That’s GOOD.
The “braindead” way to win should NOT be the most optimal way to win, but it should be available so that even those who are new to WoW, or new to PVP, can hop in and have fun! BGs shouldn’t be too complicated to the point where the average player doesn’t know what on earth is happening.
But having “advanced” strategies that are difficult to perform but objectively “better” if done right is a great thing for BGs to have, since it raises the skill cap and allows for experienced/veteran players, or premades, the room needed to make amazing plays and win the game in new or interesting ways.

If I were to make a BG, I would have multiple ways to win, multiple viable strategies, with an “easy, but sub-optimal” strategy being “obvious” to “get people into it.” Not having an “easy” strat was what I think led to Ashran being not as positively received as it should’ve been.

But look, as a premade leader, obviously I’d be biased in asking for “more” complicating mechanics and paths, as opposed to less, as it gives me, as an organizer, an advantage over others.

First I’d delete ashran and temple and wintergrasp. Those are such brutal bgs and should be deleted off the face of the earth.
I always thought like fighting in the some catacombs with tunnels and rooms and objectives . Maybe 7v7 something really weird

I like that.

I mean, I’d be happy if they just made warfronts actual pvp and called em new epics.

I don’t know man, they have a hard time balancing/fixing the epics they do have.

It wouldn’t be that hard, as it’s an existing instance is my point.

I’m just saying I think they gave up on the idea of developing epics since the current ones have been such a headache over the years.

If I could create a battleground then I think I’d make it rainbow road or moo moo meadows.;

Attackers versus defense, similar to WG… BUT no siege engines. The attack happens in stages. Not in a literal zoning in and out stage, but as capture this next point and push forward kind of way, unlocking respawn GYs as you progress.

First Stage, take the bridge.

This is pure PvP. You must take the bridge from the enemy by having more of your people on the bridge at a time, thus controlling it. Here’s the catch… You have 10 minutes to defend this bridge, and at the 7 minute mark the attacking team’s respawn timer is halved. If the attacking team cannot take the bridge, then the BG ends in a loss for the attacking team.

Second Stage

You have now pushed into a camp and you have peons gathering wood from the nearby forest. There are 3 peons gathering wood, and you need to defend them so that they can gain X amount of wood for the assault. The peons cannot be killed, but rather if the enemy controls the area around the peons they will tremble in fear and will be unable to move. You need to gather x amount of wood in an allotted amount of time in order to progress. If you do not, the attacking team loses.

3rd Stage

Here’s where we deviate away from PvP just a tad, on the 3rd stage the attacking team needs to escort 3 Breaching towers to the enemy Walls.
Turrets will be mounted on the battlements of the base for defense and on the breaching towers for return fire. Any ranged DPS on top of the battlements or breaching towers will have increased range during this stage for attacking/defending. These 3 breaching towers will need to be escorted, with the same rules as the peons from the previous stage. If no breaching tower is escorted to the wall, the attacking team loses.

Final Stage

Any Breaching Towers that have successfully made it to the wall are now respawn points. PvP will play out in the enemy base, with full use of the terrain and LOS mechanics. Defenders killed will spawn in the barracks and will need to navigate their way to the courtyard. Attackers killed will respawn at the bottom of the breaching tower and will need to make their way back to the courtyard. First team to 80 kills wins this stage.

Each stage will have a 10-minute timer but can be completed in a shorter time, with the final stage having no timer.

Boralus Hedgemaze CTF.

I would make a moba pvp mode where instead of buying items with the gold you earn from last hitting/kills/assists you buy Torghast-like powers to strengthen your character throughout the match.

We need a moba-style epic battleground.

I would also enjoy a regular battleground that uses some interesting Torghast powers.

I think they call it rabbit mode? Single flag in the BG, whoever gets killing blow is new carrier. With the twist there’s a huge indestructable NPC who always follows the rabbit so there’s no digging in. Plus he charges like Icehowl every now and then and it clobbers everybody so the rabbit can aim him at people.

Warfronts, but pvp. Gives players resources to fight over, objectives to fight over and NPCs to help swing fights you would otherwise lose.

Unreal tournament had a storm the beach map and I loved that.

With tight corridors it could have choke points and may need adjustment.

But yeah I love that and think something like that could be fun.

Tol barad where you have to get X amount of points and holding bases gives more points if you control 2 or 3. Winner first to max points, no flags, need bodies in the area to keep control

No power ups or anything of the sort, just straight up territorial dominance. Pve-less epic with no vehicles :ok_hand:

I would love to see a last man standing in Undercity. Maybe three deaths and you’re out.

Mind you, it would probably be rogue infested like the underbelly sewers but something in Undercity or any major city would be cool.