If You Could Create A Mount

I have always wanted a
-Flying sword
-Flying surf board
-Shark Rocket

Either a devilsaur, a dilophosaurus, or what ever the funkwaggle an adult platysaur looks like

Well I’m still waiting for the totally awesome flying camel.

I woud make a tauren " cow forum " and allow people the ride the wild beasts

For my DH to be able to fly with his own wings

Godzilla… definitely godzilla. and could have a mothra pet to match… lol

I want a cart pulled by alpacas for my Vulpera.
The more stuff I have in my packs, the more the cart appears to be full.


Speaking of Mothra, I have actually long wished for a WoW moth mount.

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5 man flying bison mount.

yup yip.

Flying donkey mount with dragon wings.


A palanquin carried by 6 gnomes - who occasionally stop to wipe the sweat off their brow and complain about carrying a fat Tauren

Me sitting on the shoulders of a gnome/goblin

Loving the ideas in this thread! <3

In case no one else brought it up, for April Fools last year they put some joke mounts on twitter. I love this rabbit one they called ‘Sir Buster Fluffybottom’ :smiley:


A racing snail :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d make an Ion Hazzikostas mount. He doesn’t want to give us flying then he can carry us to where we want to go on the ground.


Probably just for the laugh?

Can of Baked Beans

Obvious and annoying sound effect mandatory.
Noxious clouds optional. Fiery trail while “grounded”.

Unique “mounting” animation that involves the player character actually eating the baked beans, one way or another.

From there characters are in appropriate comedic poses and facial expression, unique for each race and gender; perhaps changing every so often. Ladies somewhere between shocked and embarrassed, while the men will be either be sheepish or VERY proud.

Flavour text:

Just let 'er rip.

Hydra mount. It’s long overdue we get a hydra mount.

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A giant big dragon mount kinda like the brachy mount.

I want the option for my druid’s flight form to be able to take on the appearance of some of the raven models we got (not the Rogue’s ‘special’ ones of course) like the Violet Spellwing and the Solar Spirehawk.

Would also like an actual Blood Elf Paladin mount. They currently have generic horse in red. All the new paladins get a special racial mount themed to the light. Where’s my holy chocobo? But then again, we have yet to actually see a “Hawkstrider” in the wild except the road runner and wiley coyote reference running around Vol’dun… where do they come from?

I want a skull throne carried by gnomes.


Bengal cats