If you could change 1 thing to WoW, it would be?

Not gonna apologize bc elves multiply faster than rabbits in the spring. Can’t go anywhere without seeing a 5:1 ratio of elves. It’s very bland.

Thank you.

Gnome druids. :heart_eyes: :cat2:

Well if it had to be 1 thing it would have nothing to do with cosmetics -_-

Not getting bought by Activision.

Return /spit to the game.

Add a secondary rotating raid to the Raid Finder system. Or rotate the old raid (like CN right now) for another raid.
There is timewalking, however forming a group for it is rather difficult and I think most people forgot that there even is one available when timewalking is available.

Make servers unique again.

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Hunters ability to wear leather.

In the medium/long term: off with the darn factions.

In the short term: make Mythic Zero dungeons queueable in LFD.

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Party gets a piece of loot for each boss killed in a mythic+ and the timer doesn’t affect rewards. If you invite someone new to the party, the timer stops and the run is not recorded.

Be able to switch profession(s) (at their level) with two of my characters.

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Id make the pre cataclysm version of Azeroth available as a leveling option in chromie time.

I have a laundry list of things I could choose from. There are 2 that are probably about equal for me.

Allow flight in every zone from the start with characters earning flight at lvl 30. No more no fly zones.

Remove borrowed power gameplay systems. Class changes can be baked into the actual class instead of tying them to throwaway systems that require grinding beyond the level cap. Classes need to be fully complete the moment a character hits the level cap.

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this is something i ve actually wanted the moment i started playing the game is if you drop an item from ur bag it drops on the ground and other players can pick it up

also maybe some cool areas where if you die in pvp you drop all your stuff , armor and gold on the ground


Not a huge change but quality of life improvement:
Fast run/fly back to our bodies and no wait time on resurrect.

Remove ALL automated LFG. (Or fire Danuser. Hard pick.)