If you cancel your sub do you lose your characters?

or will they still all be there waiting for you if you resub again?

I heard the forums is free anyway so will still be able to post here.

I think they remain? Idk I’m new to the game.

They will still be there but you need an active sub to post to the forums.

They remain.


oh so I can’t unsub then

If you unsub I hear Sylvanas takes their souls for the jailer! :ghost:

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So you willing to pay them to post on the forum instead of paying them to play the game?

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I rarely log into the game these days anyway, there’s no point.

No, your characters will still be there when you re-subscribe.

The forums are a perk of an active account. If you cancel your account, you’re supposed to lose the ability to post on the forums.


Blizzard will not delete your characters if you cancel your subscription. Your account will go into a frozen state until you reinstate your game subscription OR utilize a game token / Game time card to reactivate your account. I’ve had periods in my life that I had left WoW or circumstance had me deactivate my subscription for a time.

If you’re not playing the game, what would be the point of maintaining a subscription so you can post here? Facebook’s free, so are any number of 3rd-party WoW sites.


Because on here I can talk about Sylvanas.

They never go away, even if you delete them (you can get them restored.)

Blizzard wants you to come back, over and over, one of us, one of us…

Yay! 6 am and I can buy beer now (hate stupid archaic laws here, as well as getting off work at 5:30 AM and food stores being closed when I GO to work, stupid changes as an essential worker…)

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Is talking about Sylvanas worth $15 a month to you?

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Yes it is.

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Poor blizzard and here they thought they had to go to the expense of making a game to have people pay them. They could have just charged for access to the forum.

Edit: I was wrong. Characters over 50 apparently stay forever.

This is not true. If you delete characters they only stay in the restoration section for a certain amount of days. 90 days I think. Then they’re gone for good.

Knock yourself out, it’s your money (or possibly Dad’s, I suppose)

No,some people cancel their sub at times their toons are still there unless they tell blizzard they are quitting.

If characters are inactive for more than a couple of expansions, they may lose the lock on their name.

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