So the theory is that many raiders and M+ players etc play on Horde for the better access to greater numbers of players doing that content. With XFaction play for those areas coming to a Patch Near You, do you think many people will start making alts now to take advantage of that?
To me it doesnt matter as I have capped toons on both factions but I recognise many raiders have a limited small set of alts and may not want to pay transfer fees, or may wish to keep the characters where they currently are, factionwise. So…will it mean making alts now and getting to work on them to get them set up for 9.2.5 and going forward from that?
I just swapped 3 toons to Horde. Yeah, dropped almost $200
Just so that I can push M+ next season. Alliance is just dead.
9.2.5 isn’t coming for another year…
Not sure why normal LFG (for dungeons while leveling) wasn’t made cross faction though.
I won’t be able to do much until they allow guilds to be CF for this character specifically but yes ideally I would be bringing in a couple of my alts to our runs! My mage my druid and my pally all on ally that I can finally bring in for raid and m+ would be hella nice
because the explicitly wanted the system to be opt in at launch. you would know that if you actually read the post.
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there was an incentive to swap horde for the community, now that community is equally available, there’s still no reason to switch back to alliance.
I honestly see this as them giving up on trying to balance the faction populations.
I think the idea is so that people who don’t want to play with the other faction don’t get “forced” into it. The content it’s going to be enabled for is all player-driven invites, not system-driven.
That’s sort of how I see it. The people who are particularly unhappy about having spikes everywhere might switch back but I think the effect will be limited, especially short-term.
Oh yes I recognise that the community option will be good but it might also open up other play options especially if they make even more changes down the track.
Except for their racials which all sim higher.
It’ll be out this year most likely the summer . Not going to go that long between 9.2 (which should be soon probably 2 to 3 weeks and 9.2.5 .
Hell the next xpac will probably be out between Nov 2022 and Jan 2023
I played Horde to stay with my guild. Soon as this change hits I am moving to Alliance. My only regret is that unlike in EQ2, you can’t keep your race when you betray faction. It’s okay though, I will enjoy my new life as a Pupper.
For what it’s worth, my guild had always had a small guild Alliance side for our alts, so while I would prefer to be able to just join the Horde guild on my Worgan, at least we have a compromise.
I think it’s less about them giving up on it but more so just deciding that they’re not willing to do what it takes to balance the factions. All of their actions in recent years have just been about trying to mitigate anything negative the horde has to deal with because of the imbalance, they never really made any moves to stop the alliance from bleeding players.
Alliance is filled with whiners Blizzard can’t please the bunch. I seen threads on everything and most are heavily biased. Imagine complaining that horde had it easier to raid alliance cities which are mostly narrow, easily defended while not having a 2nd entrance heading straight to the capital’s hero. Seeing the 20th thread on that proved to me that the alliance aren’t a faction worthy of anyone’s time.
Alliance races are and will always be boring to me, Dreanei barely mitigates this.
Don’t want to play as a bunch of boring multi colored humans when I can play as monsters and fancy elves.
Well, you could also play as a very attractive Void Elf.
If 9.2 was 2 or 3 weeks, we would have a release date. As far as I’m aware, they are still changing things on the PTR and I don’t even think they have done a solid tuning pass yet.
Void elves being on alliance after decades of whining is another core reason Alliance bores me, The majority of their player base doesn’t want exotic races if “high elves” were on the top of their list for so long.
It shows that they just want to play as the most humanoid and fancy races of all.
The communities could not be more different.
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Except blood elves are highly played. No my friend we’re all humans behind the screen and we’re not that dissimilar
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I made a fresh horde dk a couple ofvweeks back need to finish gearing him for 9.2
It’s still a good move to tear the wall down. Even if it’s not for the best of reasons.
It’s time.
Also, if they want to fix faction balance on servers, all they have to do is give a small stacking buff on anyone playing on the disadvantaged side of a server.
BOOM! With a mathematical incentive to being on the smaller faction, you’ll suddenly see people playing whatever toon gets the buff until the sides are basically even.
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I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m almost done with my second monk(alliance character) so I will have a horde and alliance monk and probably move my rogue back to Alliance. I enjoy playing both factions tbh. The orcs have grown on me but nelf will forever be the first race I chose in wow and my all time favorite race. I enjoy pugging more than raiding with a guild so this is a big win for me and my casual activities.
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