If you’re so good at the game

If you were so “good” at World of Warcraft then why rely on addons to do the work for you but if you were serious about being “good” then why not prove it with your eyes and hands coordination from screen to keyboard from your own eyes and brains. And not from third party software to tell you how to play the game. But to be honest those who rely on addons were never good at the game in the first place. If you were you wouldn’t be so fervently defending these software in the first place.


Heck, why even use a mouse & keyboard? Just do it like the real pros and control your character with the power of your mind


Are those people who are not good without addons are in this thread?


Why use computers or calculators to compute math when you can do it with pencil and paper. Yeesh.


I mean I don’t really look at dbm very much and rarely look at timers or warnings. Almost everything you need to know is visual in this game.

I also play with sound off almost all of the time.

So yes, I am good at the game , thank you.


Oh good, this again.



sets out a tray of nachos for the kind people looking for a snack


I can still hold things without my pinky. I still don’t want my pinky cut off, I like my pinky and it’s nice to have. It provides a good quality of life. Why would I want to cut off my pinky for no reason?


I dunno using addons gives me the same satisfaction in gameplay as you get from making these threads.


Don’t know the catalyst for this topic but in defense of people that raid regularly with a guild (which is most) — they are required to use the addons or the guild won’t allow them to raid.

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OP has a dumb obsession with posting the lowest hanging fruit of terrible takes for… IDK, reasons.


Because even Blizzard doesn’t design the game to be played without addons.

Most bosses don’t have any telegraphed signs of the abilities they use until right when they’re happening. And even then it’s usually a dialog line down in the chat box you’re not going to read during combat.

Especially if you play a tank or healer. Those roles absolutely require help in some scenarios. There’s just too much to track and be aware of


There is a full spectrum. Bads without addons, bads with addons, good players without addons, and good players with addons.

Addons can offload an incredible amount of eye movement and cognitive load, freeing up a player to focus on the moment to moment mechanics and strategy. The default UI is also gutter track for tracking relevant information for your class.

I’m pro delete addons, provided the game actually integrates all of the things that you need addons to solve. Mechanical clarity is a huge issue in WoW without addons. I’d rather not see addons deleted, before the things addons fix for me, get solved by the default UI.


Absolute, unmitigated trash. 90% of my addon usage is just WeakAuras to track procs and buffs that are otherwise terribly presented.


yea sorry Blizz, I’m not sifting through 3 lines of 12 buffs to check for Festermight, and then the 6 pixel tall number on top of the buff, when that buff count literally defines my single target AND AoE damage rotations in different ways. I can’t play a 1/36 chance of my eye movement just focusing the right buff, and I’d be a moron to spend any time at all using my active vision to stare at the corner of my screen in either M+ or raid. Frost also has many passives tied to Remorseless Winter that you have to track, that are all colored light blue/white AND have counters to track. The sheer mental and physical speed needed to actually play one of these specs and do well with it in hard content, with stock UI, would be insane.

Without trackers, both Unholy and Frost are basically unplayable. Blood, you could probably wing it with stock tbh, the spec’s rotation is really fluid and Bone Shield is given a good tracker. Some specs are fine and stock plays really cleanly with them. A lot of them really aren’t stock-friendly at all.


I feel like all of the top world Raiders, M+'ers, and PvP’ers would absolutely shred you and 99% of the population, with or without addons. Obviously when competing, people use the tools to succeed faster and more easily.

I’m an addon minimalist and I prefer to use the Blizzard UI as much as possible, but I still have Weak Auras and DBM because why gimp myself like that? Many abilities in this game aren’t telegraphed at all and there’s no indication of them. This game is developed with addons in mind. Is that a good thing…? I’m not sure, but it is what it is.


As a Threatplates only man, who doesn’t even need them I consider this a compliment. That said I think plenty of high performing players would do well for themselves without them. Certainly not everyone.

No milk with my nails thanks.

Details is a must have, I’m always curious on the dps numbers in party/raid.


And it isn’t even Sunday

dude…why are you so mad…it’s just a game