If WoW made a TV show what do you want?

With fallout, cyberpunk,dota etc making tv shows and being very sucessful i think wow should make one
What would you guys want from it?
Live action or animated
Which xpac or stand alone story?
Factions friends or still foes?
I personally want a animated series featuring a goblin priest, edgy night elf DK a human mage a orc hunter and a super up beat kinda annoying comedic releif troll rogue who cant stealth to save his life :stuck_out_tongue:


Something animated and about the hero characters from Hearthstone. The ones that were included somewhat in WoW recently. Guff. etc etc. Those folks.

Let it be something new

I think it would do best as an animated series of some kind. So, probably that. The contents wouldn’t matter as long as it was done right.

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Animated and Disney, Netflix, and Amazon as far away from it as possible. Other than that I don’t care. I doubt they have the resources to do so but if they could make it in house with Blizzards art and CG team it would probably be pretty amazing. The art department has been carrying the company for the past decade.


I’d want them to hire the people who did Arcane and just give a story outline then Blizzard to be hands off…

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stand alone story, that…at most. happens vaguely during the time of something else we can identify with

The DC/Vertigo Warcraft Comics would hold up pretty well, and incorporating bits of the novels and side plots, both following the lore but in a unique direction, but being stand alone at the same time. Especially if they went with either the animation style of Arcane or Castlevania (or mix the both to stand out).


Just 8 1 hour episodes of Garrosh working out

Getting a proper sweat on


Blizzard would make serious bank if they made a channel on Twitch just for that. :thinking:

Make it just like Pumping Iron, but with Garrosh instead of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Have a scene where Hellscream is saying he’s 100% natty while sweating like a hooker in church

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He actually is though! Not a drop of demon blood!

The Liver King of WoW.

But yeah to add my 2c to it having a TV show like Arcane or Edgerunners would be sick; probably a lot cheaper than making that movie (which in fairness I still love) and it would allow them to show off the lore a bit more.

Only caveat is that Chris Metzen and the OG gang get full creative control over it and no one else on Blizz’s current writing/narrative staff get to touch it.


alleria windrunner from wc2. none of this void fanfic garbage. I will accept nothing less.

You’ve got Vereesa for that. Leave us with our voidly queen.

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… to be able to fast forward through the commercials.

NO. alleria is a high elf. veressa is a garbage fanfic author insert who literally didnt exist before then. us wc2 purists will never surrender her. NOBODY LIKES VERESSA. blizz can take their garbage lore and stick it where it belongs in the trash.

Alleria WAS a high elf.

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alleria IS A HIGH ELF. fight me. im tired of these assaults on her character. these slanders and lies perpetrated by the awful lore writing at blizzard. NO ONE ASKED FOR VOID ELVES.

No one asked for blood elves either, but here we are.

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