If we could just get 1 PvP server

Why not both. I don’t hate the new pvp game necessarily. It’s “ok”

PvP’rs need their own Server Nation so we can cultivate our own culture and flourish.

We can call it the Partition of PvPindia.

We need a pve only server to go with it. no WPVP possible in it.

There already are

Actually, no.

As a typically PVE player, I was strongly against War Mode. I enjoyed PVP (used to play on Emerald Dream) and hated the concept of WM.

WM is NOT the same, no. You’re right. World PVP isn’t the same and hasn’t been since WM was implemented.

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I think what Misscreant means is a PVE server where players can’t flag and kill quest givers/flight masters (maybe?)

Why did they remove PvP realms in the first place?

I imagine someone at Blizzard went “I have an idea!”
and then no one proceeded to tell them it was a bad one.

I always assumed it was an influx of players, and they complained about getting ganked and not understanding that wow pvp is fun but never fair in the open world

I played on PVP servers up to the very day they got rid of them and I must say… there are a few rose-tinted glasses when recalling them.
Firstly people are claiming if a area was getting raided people didn’t just “unflag” and instead banded together and fought the great and glorious fight!

…Yeah no not really. I mean, not most of the time at least. I firmly recall pinging /LocalDefence over and over trying to form groups.
I like warmode and PVP is literally the only content I do in this game. I DO however wish they would remove the leveling and questing incentives. PVP should be in its self the reason flag for PVP.

I am not against a PVP server but I think it should be free to move into and out of if a player did not like it after trying it out. This is a win win for all sides.

I like the incentives myself. In fact, I think they should make more; it could be a great tool for getting ̶f̶r̶e̶s̶h̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶g̶r̶i̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ new players on the PVP scene. I’d really love for something like the WvW in Guild Wars 2 to be a thing in WoW - something that brings back open world PVP, or at least PVP out in the wilderness.

But then you have the issue of people only turning it on for the incentives and turning it off when or if ever actual PVP would happen. I do like pvp quests and objectives in the open world though. However as it stands the only reason to turn on WM now is if you are leveling which is kind of insane to me. I am not going to have fun one-shotting people until they log/unsub.

To answer my own question, it was really two reasons from what I have gathered.

One, the faction imbalance on most realms was too much to bear.
Two, PvP realms were not as populated.

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Honestly? I think that’s okay. A lot of people dip into a mode to get rewards and then ollie-out of it once they have what they want, and that’s totally fine! We’ve been doing it with PvE for years. In regards to World PVP incentives, if it’s a repeatable reward, like a currency that could be used for gear/consumables, players will come back to it. The more they PVP, the better they’ll get at it, or at the very least they’ll learn how not to die as fast.

From the sounds of it, one of the major issues with the state of world PVP seems to be engagement, right? Give players a reason to engage. If they want the rewards from the PVP mode, they’ll have to interact with the PVP mode. They’ll git gud eventually.

There used to be PvP servers and it was totally fine. Sometimes you get killed as a lowby but it was never some big thing. Forum dwellers exaggerate everything. War mode is dogsh|t, PvP servers were far better. Totally different feel.

SoD the most populated realms are pvp and they are balanced.

SoD is just as popular as retail

This is what I remember. Over time the pvp realms would segregate into supermajority faction dominated realms. Like, Tichondrius was almost 90% horde by the time they turned off pvp, wasn’t it? And Malganis was 80% Alliance.

Id roll a mechagnome rogue and start the crazy

They have since solved that issue with realm balancing.

This is sarcasm?