If we’re moving away from “One True Timeline,” these two Timelines should be legitimized

Over the course of Dragonflight, serious questions are posed against the idea of “One True Timeline.” Mainly, that it’s a construct of Aman’Thul and that it’s in his interests, not necessarily ours.

If we are going to have legitimate alternative timelines, I think there are two that should be at the front of the line. Warcraft: Orcs and Humans and Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness had mutually exclusive opposing campaigns for each faction. In Orcs and Humans, the Orc Campaign was canon, with certain events from the Human campaign such as the Death of Medivh making Canon as well; while in Tides of Darkness, the Human campaign was Canon, with certain events in the Orc Campaign like Gul’Dan’s betrayal were canonized.

As such, these should be represented in WoW as legitimate alternative Timelines at some point in world of Warcraft.

  1. A Timeline where Anduin Lothar defeated the Horde and drove them off of Azeroth. Reigns as regent until Varian comes of age. No Alliance ever forms. Probably kickstarts the events of “Beyond the Dark Portal” early. The Horde probably falls upon itself on Draenor, and it may still be blastex into Outland as Ner’zhul and/or Gul’dan seek to flee the Legion. Or, they die as Draenor dies.

  2. A Timeline where, despite Gul’Dan and Cho’Gall’s treachery, Doomhammer successfully conquers Lordaeron. He probably tries to bring the Orcs back to their honorable ways, but fails. He may consult with Ner’zhul on what to do. He may also face uprisings from thesons of Blackhand, or from Grom Hellscream. Meanwhile, Lothar continues to lead what’s left of the Alliance in a guerrilla war, probably with continued support from Daelin Proudmoore and maybe Genn Greymane.

Any timeways you want to see? Any thoughts on how these ones would turn out.


They were both the same timeline.

I have a few I want to see.

  • A timeline where Dranosh survives the Wrathgate and is made Warchief. For those who don’t know, Thrall considered him the perfect choice as Warchief in the Shattering novel. However with his death, Thrall turned to Garrosh.
  • A timeline where Cairne kills Garrosh in the Mak’gora.
  • A timeline where Zul’jin reaches out to Thrall and the Amani join the Horde in Vanilla.
  • A timeline where Jaina dies in the mana bomb attack on Theramore.
  • A timeline where Illidan succeeds in destroying the Lich King.

The "One True TimeLine Horse left the stable longago.

I’ve just done a quest where I fought a half dozen evil versions of myself.

Doomhammer canonically failed at Lordaeron. We never had orcs bursting into Terenas’s throne room like in the Tides of Darkness Horde Victory cinematic.

You could maybe contend that Warcraft I had both endings be canon. But, it’s much neater if one is canon, one is not. Granted, a fair amount of Warcraft I has been retconned.


Who says the alternate ending of Warcraft I has an actual timeline that exists in the Warcraft Universe?

  • Draenosh as War Chief sounds like fun. Probably some decent willingness to cooperate with the Alliance on issues. Timeline deviates rather harshly once we hit MoP. It wouldn’t necessarily be a war anymore. The Zandalari would probably still descend on the continent, and Lei Shrn’s return probably has a lot less resistance. We might be looking at a joint Mogu Troll invasion from Pandaria and we go after them.
    No WoD. Legion returns for Azeroth eventually, but no idea how or when.
    A change in leadership or two would be needed for BfA or Shadowlands to happen.
  • if Cairne finds out he was wrong about Garrosh, what does that do to him?
  • Vengeance for Zul’jin. We probably don’t get Horde Blood Elves. Pity that.
  • Jaina’s Death may not change much until BfA. Sure, no Purge in Dalaran so maybe Blood Elves join the Alliance.
  • Now this one’s fun. No WotLk. Question: does he succeed with his remote attack using the Eye of Sargeras? Or is it the duel? Not sure what this means for his relationship with Kil’Jaeden.
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  • You also have to remember that Garrosh would be present, so even if Dranosh has a cooler head, we would have Garrosh and Varian fanning the flames. Not an open war, if the Sha awaken on Pandaria…
  • That is a good question. Perhaps he feels guilt driven and laments that he was deceived, perhaps even thinks he shouldn’t be Warchief and seeks to appoint someone else.
    ** You know, I just thought of a different way the Mak’gora could go in this scenario. What if they both die… like we know Cairne gets poisoned, which gives Garrosh the easy kill. But what if Cairne is poisoned, but through sheer force of will charges on and kills Garrosh, only to then die after. With poison discovered on Gorehowl, Garrosh’s honor is forever tainted, Magatha would probably be too stunned to act, and the Horde doesn’t have a Warchief anymore… who leads them? Does Vol’jin step up as the Darkspear Chieftain and only faction leader in the city? Does someone decide as Cairne’s heir, Baine should led? Does Eitrigg step with his adviser role paving the way?
  • True, unless they get really desperate and the Horde gets them of them in line. Perhaps Thrall uses the Doomhammer to make a point of “Deal with the Scourge, not each other”?
  • Jaina’s death would have alot of changes. Thrall could be guilt ridden and motivated enough to leave the Maelstrom and challenge Garrosh and who knows what effects that could have on Anduin. He saw her notions of peace between the Horde and the Alliance end in her death. The people of Theramore were nameless people to him, but Jaina was his honorary aunt.
  • That’s a good question…
    ** We’ll if he succeeds with his remote attack using the Eye of Sargeras then the Scourge runs amok, without no Lich King to control them. He and his Naga might get killed, either the blow back by the spell, a furious Malfurion for the destruction of the land, or the out of control Scourge.
    ** If it’s after the duel… Much like he did with the Skull of Gul’dan, he might decide to absorb the Lich King’s power, and depending on how that goes on, like what he sees… Zovaal might further pissed at his herald going awry and the Nathrezim might get ratted out to Kil’jaeden. After all what better to prove he is not disloyal, by revealing true traitors to the Legion?
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If Dranosh survived the Wrathgate partially due to no wrathgate betrayal, maybe there’d be peace, but Varian absolutely wanted blood so I don’t think that putting a better orc in charge would have fully stopped the Cata war.


And I think you are wrong. Both his son and Jaina(his closest friend) where there to temper Varian. Again, no invasion into Ashenvale=no reason for Varian to want to fight the Horde.

I’m saying it should have its own dedicated and legitimate alternate timeline.

If anything once we are done with the World Soul saga we need a “Crisis on Infinite Earth” style saga and reforge the timeline into the “true” timeline.

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…I might be the only one scared of how close Aman’thul sounds to Zovaal. :robot::sweat_drops:

Just got there first…. But then he got ganked by Sargeras, which was orchestrated the Jailer’s allies, so….

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  • In a timeline where we see the good Garrosh who didn’t become a villain!
    His death would likely be similar to Varian’s, except the fight against Gul’dan is more personal.

  • In a timeline where Zul’jin and Kargath don’t die, there would definitely have been interesting interactions between Saurfang, Thrall, Vol’jin, Garrosh, etc.

  • I wanted to see more of Argus.

  • Both the Black Empire and the Old Gods in their full glory would be great.

  • But also alliance leaders who have to bear consequences for their actions and not always the horde


But it was all part of Aman’thul’s plan to overthrow Sargeras even sacrificing another world titan that would free Zovaal so that the Arbiter and the leader of the Dreadlords would be slain. :memo::robot:


  • as I understand it, there are a fair number of good guy Garrosh timelines…. Apparently we got the worst one, and there’s a Fel Garrosh Timeway out there lol.
  • Zul’Jin not dying: because he won? Or because he buried the hatchet? Kargath Not Dying - possibly continuing to serve Illidan, and we didn’t make war on them in BC?
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It’s depressing when I think about it that we’re not in the other timeline.

It’s so stupid that they have to die because Blizzard never kills Alliance characters, damn, the sons of Lothars are all still alive…
I wanted to recruit her into the Horde, not kill her

Please stop trying to make a hero out of orc Hitler because of one single quest where he didn’t suck.

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