If warrior are not countered by ret we will have a bad season 1

There will not be any fun season 1 with warriors THIS strong. Tone them down jeesh…cutting through the light and everything else like butter with a hunter in tow will obliterate before a heal can reach…the sheer burst…no pvp gear is fixing this burst from feral, warriors and hunters.

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Wow thanks, very cool.

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Warriors aren’t even top 4 melee rn


you think he knows that mages are going to be a scourge on the ladder? again.

yeah because they refuse to have YOU counter them. Because warrior is too strong so we get a good old warrior/mage/x.

Cant have strong dks like that. Not ever. So spellcasters will be nearly unbound…its gonna be spellcastes andwarriors all season lol

part of the reason why melee even get uptime is cause casters can’t get the socket to put in precog gem… once season starts, things gonna change. And even then, sure, precog is not massive… but having the cast protection is definitely important when it comes to CC and pushes

if you think precog isnt absolutely colossal to game play i dont know what game youve been playing.

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are we playing the same game? i think not. right now evokers, frost mages, rogues and locks are all S tier all of those specs hard counter warrior stop the trolling

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Maybe if you stopped do(ing)noharm, you’d be better at ret if you catch my drift, OP.

What do warrior and casters have to do with ret? Herald of the sun ret is insane (now that the hero talents actually scale) and it’s getting more stuff in 11.0.5.

Counterpoint. PvP is at it’s best when Warrior/Melee are dominant. You get to see exciting comps like Turbo and TSG. No one wants a boring Lock/Mage or Rogue meta anymore.

Counterpoint. You’re awful at the game and don’t have enough experience/talent to give a good opinion.


haha so funny


Fury hasn’t been slapped down that hard has it?

Idk if I’d call two meatheads breaking the shins of some poor little shadow priest exciting.

Very high single target output but reliant on uptime, minimize disruptions (what I mean by this is that the spec has minimal “free” globals in the way Arms often does. There’s little rotational downtime) and it lost a hefty bit of burst with decent adjustments. I don’t wanna say glorified BM hunter pet but yeah that’s kind of the spec.

Output too smooth/predictable in shorter games, I guess.

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yea idk about this one big guy. ret/war is usually the most boring to watch imo, there isn’t really any exciting plays made by that comp its mostly pve with some slight cross cc but you can mess up the cc and still win when that comp is dominant. the only thing that ever actually bores me though is rdruid damp meta, games drawn out by healer mana in general are usually boring too tho imo but i dont think what warrior is doing matters much to ret, it isnt just warrior that has to be good for that to work

That makes sense, I haven’t played much arena yet. Just been googly eyed at how good surv feels right now, outside of explosive being a proc that just breaks cc.

Oh, and something else about Fury is that its tier is actual beans and probably won’t play 2pc or 4pc so while there’s a chance Fury is still excellent I think Arms gonna rise up a bit (it has excellent tier). :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Bicmex was wailing about that a lil bit, ye. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

ok so a dh saying this is kinda ironic

kinda like saying if ret isnt countered by demon hunter we will have a bad season 3



Ya it seems they went very bland for alot of specs this tier.

Ya I get where he’s comming from as a thug main, things like this destroy his comp. For a mongoloid cupid enjoyer like myself I can just run diamond ice or knock healer away before I trap.

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