If Warcraft had a dating sim

Once again Hollywood presents us with an unrealistic Standard of beauty.

Oh he would be
 he would be :wink:

Well, yeah, that does complicate things.


I would take the other female players playing the game instead of the npc
 just me

I been using trade as a dating app for so many yrs pass on the sim.


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Nothing like choking on my drumstick when I saw this :skull: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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To answer the topic of the thread:


I’d try a romance with Sylvanas,

I suspect though the writers would make it too much kind of like the romance with Viconia from BG2 if anyone remembers that, though in fairness you could change Viconia into a slightly better woman if you played your cards right,

But it would definitely be an interesting romance to explore, and I’d be down for it, though would I need to re-roll a male character though that’s the issue.

I’d also like one of my female Taurens to have a romance with Baine Bloodhoof I would find that interesting, as I actually think the Tauren do have some interesting lore, many don’t know this, but before I rolled the undead girl, I rolled a Tauren first as I thought Cairne in WC3 was awesome lol

Embarthal x Ebyssian! I’m rooting for them.