If Warcraft had a dating sim

Thats cringe. Will probably shut down after a month or 2 lol.

Donā€™t kink shame (thats my job)

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Actually half a month. This is an event only game. So if you want to play it, do it now or lose it(the rewards I mean)

I tried a real life dating SIMā€¦ Itā€™s a lot less fun and filled with ghosting

Reason #1000 to never touch Overwatch. Yes I did buy it a long time ago on sale but ONLY for the diablo 3 wings.

Iā€™m about 23 years out of practice with those, but the thing that probably hasnā€™t changed is that itā€™s a numbers game. You miss 100% of the shots you donā€™t take.

John J Keeshan, but only as a toy boy. He strikes me as someone who wouldnā€™t do a lot around the house because heā€™s too busy posing with fish on Instagram.

Well itā€™s gay dating And I donā€™t live in a huge area so the numbers game is definitely not in my favor.

But you know how guys areā€¦

Khadgar would be #1 on my list.

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I guess that makes sense. The main appeal of that game is the ā€œtitillatingā€ videos found on other sites.

I mean that flood gate has opened. you canā€™t look at any new and upcoming without hitting at least 4 games like that in steam.

The market has spokenā€¦ And the market needs orc Jesus


Mankrikā€™s wife

Sheā€™s dead :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You think Shaw and Flynn are okay with sharing? :stuck_out_tongue:

If its just a cuddle, maybe

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/Unfurls a comically long scroll with a list that appears to be entirely made up of player characters

They should definitely do that from player character to player character.

Iā€™ve seen way more than one relationship work out.

So is sylvanas right? And thereā€™s plenty of sylvanas p0rn out there

Pack it up, boys. Axaron wins the Internet, forever.

