If u wanna use Warglaives, roll a DH!

I have great amounts of pity for our unfortunate friends who cannot wield such a great double edged blade of chaotic destruction. :smiling_imp:

I’d rather not.

Just about the only thing I like about demon hunters is those manly chests and those womanly bosoms that seem to be twice as good as any other class.

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I just love reading “complaining about other people complaining” threads.

I should go make a new thread complaining about them, and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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I will now complain about your thread for complaining about other people’s complaints. Stop complaining, at once.

Warglaives are rather ugly though.

It’s not about using the Warglaives weapon type on a different class, it’s about a weapon transmog being made exclusive.

Didn’t they just say the Achievement version though? They never mentioned the ACTUAL warglaives not being Tmoggable.

No, they’re not moggable due to past circumstances. Weak excuse.

well, that’s honestly BS4

What about the people that make these kinds of posts to point out that someone is complaining about someone else complaining, when it’s obvious enough and unnecessary?

You aren’t complaining about threads about complaining are you :slight_smile:


Warglaives are just as cringe-worthy as Naruto-running.

Heaven forbid there are any race or class exclusives. Sounds like the complainers want participation trophies; “If Demon Hunters get them, everyone should.”

I also wish they never made Paladins and Shaman available for opposite factions. Made those classes unique and you bought about what faction you wanted to choose.

Warglaives look about as ridiculously impractical as fury warriors duel wielding their helicopter blades.

Go play classic then.

So now you’re just complaining about that guy complaining about the OP complaining about the people complaining about the warglaives

Your artifact, for example, is exclusive to your class, built for you, and has no right to be wielded by anyone else. Any complaints about taking that would be wrong.

The Warglaives of Azzinoth are a legendary drop from a raid boss, they could be looted by any eligible classes. The achievement process could also be completed by any other class, even those who cannot wield the Warglaives.

They were an exclusion to the legendary rule, now that it’s being removed it has no right to continue being an exclusion.

I’ll trade the whopping 7 warglaive anchor transmogs for frostmourne plz.

Fk you, and fk demon hunters

Why? I have the originals in my bank. I’ll just use those. :crazy_face: