If they oppened Dracthyr to all classes, what would you make?

Dracthyr Monk would be sick :slight_smile:


My Dracthyr is an Evoker and that’s good enough.

I only need 1.


I would play a different race :stuck_out_tongue:


Arcane Mage

Druid all the way.


I wouldn’t. I have one, created and levelled it for the pet only. It’s now just a +1 for collecting.

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Everything, if they keep current racials. Everyone will be Dracthyr for M+. All dragons, all the time.

Not playing anything Dracthyr until they get mogging for dragon form and more race options for visage form. So, yeah, never playing a Dracthyr, I guess.

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Shaman, Mage, and Rogue.

Dracthyr is the race.

Evoker is the class.

So which are we talking about here?

(Edited question to make sense)

None honestly. With their current lack of transmog in Dracthyr form, I just can’t be bothered to even play the one I have.

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For casual play, it will remain personal preference.
For competitive M+, TWO aoe stops will make them almost mandatory.
Even if you don’t play them, you will be surrounded by them in town.
UNLESS Blizz creates rationale for Drachthyr not all having those stops anymore.


Every class that can be Dracthyr is going to be Dracthyr for M+ if they don’t do something about the racials. Everyone having 2 AOE stops will be broken.


Exactly this.

Druid, and I’ll basically stay in visage form 99% of the time. Dracthyr form will be purely for roleplay or aesthetic purposes. I like the visage form a lot.

If I wasn’t a druid I’d use Dracthyr form to travel, but that’s reserved for flight form.

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What pet do you get with Dracthyr?

I just hope their fix isn’t to just make a bunch of mobs immune to knocks. Everybody suffers in that scenario.



DH! Oh man, that would be fun. Change Eye Beam to come from the mouth and make Metamorphosis form look a bit more Dragon themed and yeah, that would be my pick.

Just needs the Monk invisible fist weapons so it looks like I’m using claws.

Night Elf Druid.