I think that blizzard or rather the Blizzard developers should nerf other mounts, such as the pandaren phoenix that runs but doesn’t touch the ground and they added legs for what Run the pandaren phoenix mount
Yesterday Tuesday one of the Blizzard developers uploaded a tweet saying that in 10.1.5 the heart of the Aspects was nerfed and showed an image
For the uninitiated, would you mind explaining what was nerfed about the HotA? It would make it easier to understand what you’re trying to say.
I’m confused, but intrigued.
That’s not what nerfed means.
Yesterday Tuesday a blizz dev posted a tweet showing a picture of the nerfed Heart of Skins and said that this will happen in patch 10.1.5
JFC, can you just use your words? This is clear as mud.
Happen to have a link?
Yesterday a player or community member posted the image of the heart of the Aspectss nerfed
Huh. I was literally just thinking about this a couple of days ago, wishing this mount used the Slitherdrake model/skeleton. Thank. God. I’m really glad to see this particular change. They even changed the flying animation, bless their hearts. Still, that’s not a nerf.
Nerf: Change in a video game that reduces the effectiveness or power of any of the properties of a specific element or character of the same, in order to balance it.
Now apply that to the HotA.
You can’t.
They didn’t “nerf” HotA.
They fixed it. They gave it proper animations.
Ok, no Nerf. end of topic
this change is really bad, i returned to the game to find one of my favorite mounts has been nerfed visualy and by removal of the /mountspecial
if they wanted this other lesser version to be in the game they could have added it not nerf/replace a mount you paid for.