If they kill Sylvanas they need to kill an Alliance leader

Are you mad not everyone agrees with you?

This might be off topic but aren’t you the one that thought you are an actual Blood Elf and were offended people were comparing miseries?


This is a good point that doesn’t get brought up enough. Killing off major characters is good for shock value and cheap emotional gut punches, but it is also the removal of options and possibilities and a thousand future plots snuffed out.

A good death: Saurfang. Old character at the end of his life anyway, wants to redeem himself through an honorable death, starred in a series of high-profile CGIs, his story came to a natural conclusion. Even then he was an iconic part of the Horde and the Horde is less without him.

A terrible death that still haunts the game to this day: Cairne Bloodhoof. Fan favorite character who had not even yet had a chance to have any role in the meta story of Vanilla-WotLK and died before Blizzard really started to try a cohesive narrative. We are stuck instead with a poor substitute in Baine.

Killing Cairne off in a novel did irreparable damage. Same could be said of many of the characters that Blizzard kills off.

IMO killing characters should be rare. It doesn’t help that the second something happens to a character half the playerbase starts begging Blizzard to just kill them because their story is ruined…that’s not how storytelling works!


Cool, does the “nearly” mean she gets to ultimately fail and end up actually LOSING territory like Sylvanas did? Cause I’ll approve that.


Take Bolvar and Calia(lets face it she is alliance character) as well.


I feel like I should report this for trolling.

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Nah, I feel like this is in the same vein of Horde players telling Night Elf players that they should feel privileged for getting all of this story in BFA.

Same energy.


except that Alliance leaders hasn’t committed Genocide, and no Tareho (Spelling?) doesn’t count.

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If this is just a faction balance thing, we’re already owed several Alliance leader deaths.

Alliance has only ever lost Varian. Horde has lost Garrosh, Cairne, Vol’jin, etc.

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Horde loses leaders, Alliance loses zones and races to the Horde.

Vol’jin and Garrosh will be back though.


Fandral! Remember Fandral!

I hope Garrosh will not return. Participate, all that and will continue to suffer in Revendreth. No return.


Bull****. You’re only confirmed to have lost one zone so far(Teldrassil). While the Horde still hasn’t reclaimed Undercity and lost their presence in Arathi.

And you can complain about NE deaths all you want. As long as you can still play them, the Alliance hasn’t lost them.


Azshara? 1


shrug You didn’t lose that. You gave it to us.

You haven’t lost Garrosh. You killed him yourself.


Fair point.

Actually we’ve lost Ashenvale, Darkshore, Teldrassil and Azshara (and those are only the Night Elf zones) and I believe even Stonetalon.

Granted, we got Darkshore back.


Let’s try the audacity. Can you do the same with Cairne? Although, most likely not, because he died because of the Dark Totem, rather than because of Garrosh.
Undercity. Can it be considered a zone that the Alliance lost because the plague barrels were blown up just because the Alliance took a dominant position? At least, this is the conclusion I came to during an argument with someone. Or it was someone else’s argument.

His fate is completely unknown. That outpost is good, but it’s off the road to Ashenvale. So everyone could survive there.

About Ashenvale there were no responses to interviews?

No, not a single one. Which makes the state of the zone unknown with a higher tendency towards it being Horde controlled.


The Alliance Roster could use a culling, To many god tier characters have stolen all agency from the Player.

Want the Jailer to be actually threatening have him permanently control Anduin, Jaina and Tyrande and turn them on us.

Have Alleria fall to the Void and need stopping, have turaylon Go full zealot mode(he’d be the one id hate see this happen to the most).

Have Malfurion go back to sleep to repair and protect the emerald dream.

Have Velen pass on(now that the legion has been stopped hes not needed anymore) and hand the reins to a new Draenei leader(maybe Yrel).

Then finally the player can feel relevant again.

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