If they do fresh classic

Start with patch 1.1 and roll out balancing and itemization as it happened.
EXCEPT, never change AV from 1.5 patch

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I would like that, but I think they said they don’t have the data to do that, so they would have to recreate each patch from scratch, which I doubt they want to do.

and regarding the second part, let’s not start carving out exceptions.

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Keep AV the same so the alliance pre-mades can continue to beat horde for 2 more years.

Do you really want progessive servers again? I wouldn’t mind one that starts at the patch they have the data for, without the timegating. If it burns out in a couple months so what, its a game.

Was it better to have this drawn out, or would a more condensed experience be better the third go around?

Sure, and I’ll continue to not do av because it’s irrelevant and not fun unless it’s the 1.5 version.

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I’d give it a go again with any patch. Not ret paladin nor warlock though. That road was long and tired.

Nah release Classic before Battlegrounds again - then develop an alternative path - the path they promised in vanilla and cheaped out on with Battlegrounds.

Develop genuine open world pvp objectives and rewards. Develop the fun things they promised in early vanilla like player housing. All things promised to players when WoW was originally released and reneged on when it became too hard. Call it Classic+

Battlegrounds were a cheap and contrived solution that should never have happened.

But that’s all pie in the sky - we all have different snapshot points of Wow that we think are “quintessential” - anything we get re Classic will just end up being ground hog day - the game went in a very different direction to what it originally promised and classic “whatever” won’t bring that promise back (and hasn’t and can’t). Enjoy it for what it is - a gaming museum piece. If we want a changing progressive game then retail is our option.


I’m for that 100%

1.12 is fine except for three things, and they’re all pvp-related. This is what I’d want:

NO Cross-realm bgs. Keep it server specific.
NO dishonorable kills. They destroyed city raids.
And 1.7 AV. The peak of AV.

I’d play that forever happily.