If there are not PVP servers


There will be a minimum of PVP and PvE servers (source: logic) The only real question is if there will be RP and RPvP.

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Dude I agree, but this is a discussion based on a hypothetical.
Personally I find it absurd that retail is in exactly that situation.

I cannot honestly say I would. Most of my friends probably wouldn’t have an issue with it. But for me, been-there, done-that.

Because CRZ made clear how many PvP servers were dominated by one faction, mostly Horde; there were a few Alliance dominated and a couple that were balanced. And since CRZ included multiple servers in most cases, that imbalance was huge.

War Mode is Blizzard’s solution. WM shouldn’t have any type of incentives, though.

And yes, I’d still play if there weren’t PvP servers,

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I cant imagine not playing on a PvP server.

My first server was Nazgrel, which was PvE. I switched to Emerald Dream at some point in late MoP and never went back. PvP servers make the world feel so much more alive than PvE servers. The constant danger of enemy players and the sense that you arent the biggest kid on the block, along with the added fun of world PvP makes PvP servers 100000% more fun to play on.


Are posters getting dumber as classic reaches release or have they always been this dumb?

Here let me try to act like one of these guy

uh hum…



I primarily roll on PvE servers, so yes. PvP servers, and STV specifically, almost made me quit WOW in the first couple months - before I learned there were PvE realms and rerolled.

I’d be less likely to play if there were only PvP servers, because it makes it possible for my game time to be held ransom by others, and no matter how many decent people there are, it only takes a tiny percent of bullies and worse to make it miserable to play.

As someone pointed out in that thread, if we roll on PvE realms, we can still choose to flag in STV - so he could be insinuating he would roll on a PvE realm, rather than that there wouldn’t be a realm distinction.

I don’t think people have thought this through, because the way Blizzard removed PvP and PvE realms was by adding WarMode. WarMode is a whole mess of things they’ve said they’re not doing - like cross-realm and sharding (past starting areas, first weeks) - and to make it even have a semblance of working in Retail they had to offer bonuses for “flagging” on with Warmode.

So, no, I don’t think Bornakk was insinuating anything of the sort.

We need some concrete news already, because the topics here have become completely rediculous. Some ppl have lost all perspective and need to be muzzled.


So you didn’t actually read the OP. Typical.

Neither did I. It just sparked conversation. That is all this thread is intended to be for.

Personally after having a blast on MalGanis (PVP) and Twisting Nether (RPPVP) during vanilla, I could not see myself gimping my preferred gameplay by removing a large part of the sandbox.

Nope I read it just fine, you even said in your post it was a ‘conspiracy’ or it was ‘tin-foil hat’ and that’s what I was going off of.

Posters like you are reaaalllllllllyyy reaching for information or possible outcomes on these and it’s quite honestly getting quite hilarious.

Stay stupid my friend, it’s entertaining.


Yeha it definitely is

No it really doesn’t lol

But what the hell, of course I’d still play if there was only PvE servers.

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I don’t really see a point in answering, since there’s no chance we won’t have separate pve and pvp and rp servers.




So good

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If there are RP-PVE servers, that’ll be what I play on exclusively.
If there aren’t, but there are PVE servers, that’ll be what I play on exclusively.
If there were only PvP servers I wouldn’t play at all.

So yes, I’d play if there were only PvE servers–though I’m glad to say I think the chances of that are nil.

Yes I will, actually I might end up on a pve server tbh

I never played real vanilla but when I started on a pve server in TBC, there was actually quite a lot of wpvp going on (and in wrath two) in a lot of places. Trying to take over halaa in nagrand while smacking as many horde as I can so I can get my quests done in wintergrasp. Good times…

But when I rolled on a PvP server for the first time on a vanilla private server, I said to myself I’ll work on one toon and then that’ll be the last time I’m ever on a PvP server. All I ever got out of that was being camped as a lowbie by 60, and people grouping up to outnumber me whenever I did hit 60. And yeah I’ve seen the same thing happen to so many other people

I heard from some real vanilla players that PvP servers were never this bad. Idk maybe its just another one of those errors that private servers make but after what I went through, never again will I be on a PvP server. Nothing but a bunch of disgusting cancerous aids that just likes to ruin other peoples time.

I’m not saying there shouldn’t be PvP servers tho, if you wanna be camped by 60s while your leveling anywhere on the map be my guest.

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I would definitely still play. But, I also highly doubt it will be only PVE servers. :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember starting a dual with a horde only to enable pvp mid fight so he would get flagged aswell and so I could tottally kill him :smiley:

If there are no PvP realms, there will be no Classic—I can guarantee you that.

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Would not be classic without 'em

I love that when you click the little down arrows, the quoted text that is shown has the letter highlighted everywhere it was used.

LOL, for me that’s the corner of the sandbox where the kids are all throwing sand in each others’ eyes and hair. I’m happy to lop that corner off and only venture there on my own terms (alts on RP-PvP realm, mains on RP-PvE).
<- Borgiss’ main, if that wasn’t obvious.