If there are not PVP servers

Some call it a conspiracy, but based on no answer to the question “will there be PVP, PVE, RP and RPPVP server types?” and the only thing close to blue input:

Note: I am not insinuating that what Bornakk posted is a hint that there will be only PVE servers with the option to flag, but it’s all we have to go on due to the absolute vacuum of information otherwise.

Of course it is tinfoil, but brings up the question of:
Would you play classic if there were only PVE servers?


That’s a bit of a reach.


This isn’t just tinfoil, this is like wearing the entire supply of earth’s tin on your head, except you folded it wrong and just amplified all of the EM.


No. My original server was PvE, and while there were some good PvP events by fun guilds, I can distinctly remember sitting at Azuregos with 3 other Ally guilds while 2 Horde guilds attempted to down him. Lag was unreal.

Having played now on private servers that are PvP-based, even dying to 60s on my low level alts, I relish the opportunity for fresh and at-level PvP when everyone is on their way to 60. It was so much fun fighting endless amounts of Allies pathing down from Loch Modan near Uldaman with my 5 man group waiting on a run.

I would be quite irritated and would likely not play to be honest.


Try to actually read the OP as I intended it. As of yet we have not been given an answer about it. It SHOULD be a simple answer.

The question is simply if you would play or not.

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That post was in response to levelling fishing early while levelling.
It can be easily assumed that we were both referring to playing on regular servers and not to any insinuation about whether or not pvp servers would exist.

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Again, I am not saying it is proof of anything. I am simply asking IF people would play. The question of whether there will be separate realm types should be as easy to answer as will you level proffs while leveling up.


Wait…so we’re not having pvp servers now?

exaclty :confounded:

We’re more than likely having pvp servers.


Seriously, is reading really that difficult?


I feel like if whiskee posted this thread, it would be flagged into oblivion.

And yes, I would play.


Good grief, go outside or something.


Easy or not, they’re not ready to give out any information yet outside of random bits of hype info for some reason. I think they’re holding off on that info for 2 reasons.

  1. Detailing the types of servers that will be available will push people into wanting to know how many of each and what their names will be (something that will probably only be determined at the very end of the development cycle and will result in lots of irate posts about not getting answers).
  2. They’re waiting on a specific point in development to have a big data dump where they lay out a lot of details at once to generate a lot of interest closer to release date.

I will definitely play whether or not their are pvp servers.

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I would play regardless, but the idea that there would not be PvP servers is ridiculous.

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There will be a minimum of PVP and PvE servers (source: logic) The only real question is if there will be RP and RPvP.

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Dude I agree, but this is a discussion based on a hypothetical.
Personally I find it absurd that retail is in exactly that situation.

I cannot honestly say I would. Most of my friends probably wouldn’t have an issue with it. But for me, been-there, done-that.

Because CRZ made clear how many PvP servers were dominated by one faction, mostly Horde; there were a few Alliance dominated and a couple that were balanced. And since CRZ included multiple servers in most cases, that imbalance was huge.

War Mode is Blizzard’s solution. WM shouldn’t have any type of incentives, though.

And yes, I’d still play if there weren’t PvP servers,

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