If the Zombie event remains as is, we need compensation

It is hyperbole, i agree. Is it the same? Sure. Just because you warn someone that you’re going to infract (rules, laws, etc) doesn’t mean those things dont exist.

Its a few days before the launch of a new expansion… What do you expect?
Are you a game dev for the game, or are you in charge of server maintenance or stability? Then maybe you should tell them how to do it.


Said the liar.

I can play 5-10 hours a day (retired) and not run into the event “pvp”.

Stop lying.


The zombies are so incredibly weak anyway. Just press some buttons and kill the pve ghouls. This event is as much of a PvP event as ganking lowbies is. This game is more than playable.


more then a decade ago.

Lol wow. Haven’t heard that one since second grade!

Hope you have a great weekend :slight_smile:

So last year then. Did you miss the post when you were spamming the thread earlier? Or did it take you 7 hours to think of that reply.

Umm no. I was at work.

Youre becoming exceedingly hostile for no reason.

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Oh my, look how that works can give the insult but can’t take it.

You claiming you were going to not be negative today, how long did that last I am wondering.

What did I say to you in my last post that was negative? I’ve legitimately not heard the phrase “you started it” in yeaaaars.

Is wishing someone a great weekend a negative thing nowadays?

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This is a fantastic event. A real RP invasion of azeroth with consequences. Get out there and do your part to save the world.

This is not a time to roll a new human or Orc. You can roll other new races just fine. You can pet battle and do instances. But saving azeroth is paramount.

I sacrificed everything. Respect your veterans.

Tears are fine, just try to not look like a little pansy.


Well said. /Salute

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Maybe it’s the realm I’m on, but the only time I get infected is standing around the AH in Org or when I want to. I sincerely don’t get the drama here.

People say Nathanos has these zombies but I’ve got my weapon on eleven characters and three of those I got weapons twice and never once had an issue.

I’ve camped the rares in Icecrown for at least 3 full rotations of rare spawns and never saw a zombie either.

I just sincerely don’t get it. I’m sorry. I just don’t.


I was only infected by the SW auction house about 4 times total. Didn’t get infected at Org yet. Once had an icecrown boss where someone must have summoned a person with zombie timer - once out of about 20 bosses. Did Nathanos 19 times - No issues. Have 14 50s but some have offspec or 1 handers.

This event is fun. Not even dangerous.

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Only if you wish that zombies aid them in their adventuring like I did last night.

They aren’t worth engaging with seriously, every convo devolves into an insipid mess filled with labels and name calling. Then you enter phase two, which is the I backtrack and double down on an equally out there claim.

This guy had it right!


Its just a bunch of hysterics and hyperbole from the same typical forum crybabies.

They are being so abused, against their will, having their game ruined. Non consensual pvp is giving them anxiety attacks. Literally unplayable. They are being griefed non-stop…etc. etc. etc. :sleepy: :disappointed_relieved: :cry: :sob:

End of the stupid world (for a few days).


Your server is dead.

I use the LFG tool for Nathanos. Never seen a zombie.


Here is your compensation: “Compensation”
Damn that was easy - Next!

They were there on Tuesday - I ran 12 characters though there and the majority had zombies.

Someone was saying they got loot when they were a zombie so maybe they hot fixed that issue and people lost interest in griefing. Or maybe the grief reports did that on its own.