If the Zombie event remains as is, we need compensation

Gawd. Shhh just shhhhhh.

give it up. i’ve called all your bluffs and you steer the conversation elsewhere every time. nobody can point me to these disruptions every time they claim the game is unplayable. blizzard isn’t daft, they have all the data on their side. you can twist this conversation any way you want they know what is going on in their game and will act the way they deem appropriate towards this event. considering its only one week, they aren’t going to do anything about it until it ends on monday.

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I have no idea. He has been claiming I said ‘x’ and ‘y’ all along and I haven’t. Even when he goes hunting for quotes, he links quotes that don’t support his argument and then he has to change it.

That doesn’t really make sense to me. Why would anyone be playing the game if they’re doing nothing? It just sounds like the two groups are doing things that the other side do not value. Even if that includes being /afk somewhere. Maybe they just want to soak in the ambience or something. It’s weird, but I guess it’s technically something.

i think maybe he isnt trying to argue there is a problem or not but he is just not communicating properly and is trying to help even tho it is not his job to do it… but until blizz corrects a bad roll out players will have to do blizzards job to babysit zones and new players phasing in while the children go out of their way to toast things

I asked you a simple question - where in their post was any mention of a video.

I regret not thinking to report all those groups I was in doing the zombie bit on Tuesday.

i dont think he knows what a bluff is either… he is offering us help when we dont need it… he cant understand we are talking for those that are having issues and issues we witness others have… idk social stuff might be new to him. bug report it and move on folks

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might want to reread my post. again, you try to shift the conversation away from what the issue you claim is.

you said

and i’m proving you can.


i report everyone… all day everyday… everyone in the game is a bot to me if they dont wave or say hi. lol just kidding

intended game play. she is saying they the ones that couldnt , could not do as intended by the game due to griefing… not no one can ever do it…

lol, that is some serious misdirection.

no, that’s what this thread is about. you’re the one misdirecting and claiming i said you said things you didn’t.


you 2 can keep fighting it out, neither can understand the other one and then some casual kiddo pops in sometimes to screech “whininggggssss” ima go hardware box now since most of the bots got banned 3hrs ago… cheers blizz on the ban wave. tyt ty ty even tho one of my accounts got hit somehow

i suggest the rest of you also go enjoy the temp bot free or limited bot gameplay also… since you know they will be back full force within a week… smh get that gold farming spots soaked up while u can

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You said this.

in response to this.

I asked you where they mentioned anything about a video and you bring up something I said yesterday.

I get it you are embarrassed you keep on putting words in people’s mouths - wouldn’t it just be easier to stop.

a general statement, yes. the ‘you all’ makes that obvious. i’m not scrolling up again just to quote what people were talking about in this thread, you’re fully capable of it and anyone that’s participated in this thread is aware of the claims people have been making.

again, you’re trying to shift away from ‘the game is unplayable’ to oh show me a quote.

then you go on and keep insulting everyone.

either the game is unplayable or its playable. make up your mind.

are we going to discuss the issue of the zombie invasion or are you going to continue shifting the conversation away from the point of this thread?

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Well why don’t you talk to what the person said instead of referring to what others said. That is just bizarre.

That person never mentioned anything about a video, that wasn’t even the jest of their argument what you claimed they were doing.

And people feel the game is unplayable. I am going to believe that they have a legitimate reason for that because I am not on the server they are on and have no reason to doubt them.

oh i give up. i tried and tried to shift the conversation with you to the zombies and how it makes the game unplayable but all you can do is refer to other people. you can’t even tell me what’s unplayable because you aren’t playing the game according to yourself.


Well if you wanted to have an actual conservation you might well have started with not telling lies about what I said and about what happened. After that, I actually have not much use for or desire to have a discussion with that person.

And if you want to know why people feel the game is unplayable just ask them for goodness sake this thread has given you plenty of opportunity and you have been in for two days now. Of course, that really isn’t going to solve the issue because you have your mind made up anyway.