If the PTR changes go live

(Posts taken from the rogue forums just combined them)

That will be the last straw

  • The following talents have been removed:

    • Sepsis

    • Invigorating Shadowdust

  • Soothing Darkness now heals for 30% of max health over 6 seconds (was 15%). Effect no longer triggers from Shadow Dance.

And no way the additions remotely compensate for the loss of CDR and sepsis. Sepsis I am less concerned about assuming the damage gets baked into the core kit. But losing CDR is 100% game breaking not to mention losing self heals for no reason.

How does giving Sin an extra charge of step/vanish remotely help Sub which already had 2 charges and 100% works around having CDR.

They are just making blanket sweeping changes based on rando forum posts without remotely thinking about the ramifications this quite frankly is insanity.

I actually was enjoying the expansion so far despite all the bugs. How about any freaking mention to literally everything breaking stealth? How about any mention to Vanish instantly breaking all the time?

Yet we are nerfing CDR, and survivability for a spec that is 10000% reliant on CDs to function. Not to mention blind/stun/CC duration nerfed in DF. Gouge further nerfed to 3 seconds, kidney nerfed to a 30 second.

Like in what world are these changes even being considered with an extra charge of symbols which is a complete joke given the fact that Vanish CDR is the only thing that kept the spec flowing by resetting the cds on symbols, kidney reducing the CD of everything allow for shadow dance uptime.

Given the fact that the spec does 5% damage out of dance and 95% inside of dance removing uptime by removing CDR is just insanity. The entire spec would have to be completely rebalanced around not having CDR and that isn’t some knee jerk reaction that can take place now. The chance was multiple months of alpha/beta feedback to make these sweeping changes.

No words can describe the injustice!

I am convinced at this point that the devs are just picking out random sentiments that were echoed on the forums with a very small portion of the posters advocating for the removal of shadowdust. I am unequivocally against such a removal as I enjoy the more complex non linear non deterministic gameplay that having CDR provides.

Though I understand both viewpoints and I understand the spec can be balanced around not having CDR but that requires SWEEPING CHANGES to both:

  1. Cooldowns
  2. Damage
  3. Survivability

Since literally every balance aspect of the spec is directly correlated to the existence of having CDR

Not to mention this change:

  • Thistle Tea now automatically triggers when energy is reduced below 50.

Is also a horrible change on paper it seems nice, one less button to press and manage. But Thistle tea also gives mastery and is usually used in dance windows for extra damage from the mastery and extra damage from the increased energy econ.

With this change we will now have to micro manage our energy if we want to line up the extra damage inside our dance windows which is 100000x times worse then simply having the additional button that we can control.

If they go this route then they need to remove the mastery from it and bake the damage baseline somewhere else. They also should really remove it from the last tier capstone talent as it really isn’t worthy.

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