And thats what annoys me about this whole schmozzle. They indicate that the MT is coming back (if the datamining is right) and then the reward appears to be old recoloured gear that wasnt all that exciting in the first place.
I mean, why not just have used the forms from the original MT and recolour those? So if everyone loved the druid tank, why not something like this:
I mean, jeez, even I’d have a go for one of those…
the only ones i got the first time around were the druid ones. i’ve been thinking about switching mains, though, so i might start collecting some other skins.
I’m still not a challenge seeker, so if they returned rescaled to current endgame, then I’d let others enjoy the chases and prizes and simply take comfort in the idea that it’s was still there if I ever change my mind.
(if they were available as legacy content, then some rainy day I would start at the top of my character list and just begin ticking them off)
I dont get it ? So you use a mog thats rare or you like it ? I for one mog my toon with what i like not what others like or rarity . If there is a mog thats super duper rare and i dont like that i m not gonna mog that at all .
I don’t really have a particular one in mind. I suggested something that might get other players to come back for it and not offend anyone at same time. Which was recolours. Wildrunner with white blossoms or black. Maybe potentially different flowers on them would be nice. Other weapon skins could have silver, onyx etc. That is why I lean towards recolours if they look nice it might grab some people who have done it before but still…
I still believe if they come out with new skins that are cool enough looking. It might grab everyone’s attention. Not a selected few.
Don’t need to know you to know that a claim that rarity doesn’t matter is disingenuous.
And even if didn’t, you don’t get to tell people it shouldn’t matter to them so you can take it. You can’t go into a bank and tell them they shouldn’t care about money because they have so much of it. Penny or a hundred dollar bill, it’s either yours or it isn’t, and the exclusivity that was promised belongs to them.
And no, I wasn’t playing during legion and I don’t have them.
Of course you need to know me before you tell me how i think dude ,Rarity means nothing to me ,cool s#it however does . What you are doing is like me telling you that you never want exclusive items . Thats your POV that you like not mine people are different they have different gamestyle different choices different aims etc.
Everyone gets sh*t on here. Those of us that played legion get to earn something we already have. Those that didn’t play get to earn something they can already buy with honor badges. Looks like lots of guardian druids will be playing at least though…
i wanted a lot of them, i think i had a list of 12 or so. i only got the one that happened to be my main at the time, enhance shaman. had some RL issues going on that didn’t allow me enough time to gear up and work for the rest
as of now the only one i’ll actually be trying is priest, maybe warlock. the rest just don’t look that good imo. recolored artifact skins would have been much more interesting to me