If the mage tower skin returns, which ones you'll wanna get?

Just getting the guardian druid one.
I planned on leveling a druid during legion for it but i ended up burned out with all the chores before i could do it.

I am going to love it when it’s just the Legion Mythic Sets but recolored.

This may implode the forums.



If they come back they’ll just be like a free mount, everyone will use them for a few days, realize everyone else has them and that they don’t feel so desirable anymore.

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Getting that t20 dh recolor

It will be glorious.

None of the MT appearances fit my current transmogs. So most likely none.

Ngl i won’t mind if we get just the sets. Warrior and Warlock ones look dope.

Guardian Druid and Arcane Mage

Those are the only 2 I missed that I really wanted

None did not do it when it was current, not doing it now.

When this came out they said it will be easier with gear they then scaled it with your gear so it did not get easier. Do not trust them to get the difficulty right this time and I’m not going to waste my time with it, do something new!!

I would get the DK ones, because my main is a DK.

Wouldn’t I have to complete it in that spec? If so that’s not an option. Like I said, strictly BM here. All the same my Druid friend would be overjoyed if his MT form returned so his happiness would outweigh my lack thereof.

I think without a doubt the druid one, the rest idc about much tbh.

Well it’s likely this will be the case anyway but that’s why the OP said ‘if’ they do.

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None, cause I didn’t care then, and I don’t care now.


Hulk bear and neon kitty.

None of them. I got the ones I wanted and since you can’t even use illusions on them I see no need to get any more.

I guess I wouldn’t mind being able to get Frost and Arcane mage skins again.

The green looks weird for the shaman, but I can use SOME of the pieces for TMOG

if it actually returns , ill probably level an alt to get them , idk which one yet but from those dont already have for a class i will barely play at all :wink:

Less for the artifact skins, more for the encounter: I didn’t have a capped priest during legion, so disc and shadow were the only versions of feltotem and twins I didn’t do. Admittedly, fel totem was kind of a joke challenge, and shadow has changed so dramatically it would not be the same at all…but still, I would like to have put a bow on those two, that would have left the healer challenge undefeated for me.

Regardless of the reward, I’ll probably see if I can revisit Kruul, Agatha and Sygrun (was that her name? Demo, ret, arcane, enhance, assassination challenge). Those were fun.

Eff Xylem. Eff that guy.

I’m just gonna get shaman and DK, unless they doo-doo mogs, then not getting any.