If the female KT had THIS body model

I think I would definitely make one. (take the = out after https:)


I can’t find what you linked

take the = sign out after the HTTPS:

i know i just saw that

If female kultirans had pre-WoD human models they’d be great

This would be nice.

If Kul Tirans were replaced with Vrykul I would definitely make one.

Vrykul musclegirls are cute :smiley:


I actually like my KT female. I think they are funny. I dress mine up in funny ways too with some old transmogs and palmetta-style hats.

That would work too; also the female orc body.

Funny, every time I see a Kul-Tiran, I see this:


Daily reminder that not all body shapes are the same, and not all playable races have to look the same.

You want a muscle-girl, orcs are waiting for you.

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All they really have to do to achieve that on a kul’tiran female is to sinch the waist and widen/broaden the shoulders.

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There is not need to post butchered links that do not work.

Simply put ` mark at each end of the any URL. This is the Grave mark and is the other think on ~ key that is usually located at the upper left of the keyboard.
