If the Dracthyr can't wear armor, can we also get THESE forms as options?

Eh, with the class itself being race-locked, I can sort of get it. But I think for me, it would at least be nice being able to also have way more choices for your Visage form, as well (even if they obviously wouldn’t have the “draconic” options). It’s the first new class since Allied Races were added, so a lot of those options are still fresh and new to a lot of us.

For myself, I actually really dig the idea of going for a Dark Iron visage to suit a Black dragonflight-themed character, or perhaps Nightborne for a Blue.

Although… I’m honestly REALLY hoping Blizzard will at least CONSIDER making one (or both!) of those options above playable. The existing Dracthyr just look way too soft and effeminate, not very “Warcraft-y”.


If they add that first model and still can’t tank it’ll be a SLAP IN THE FACE!

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I would agree, I’d still love to see them get a Tanking spec. It seems like building them specifically around Black Dragonflight powers would make a great fit.

Worst part is look at the Black powers we got the trappings of it just seem to be hanging there like it was considered and then dropped. I mean armor boost and magic damage reduction on a heal dps only class?

Like I said, I would honestly be completely happy if that first option were added. Even with the armor limitations. I would settle for the second.

Or at least something CLOSER to those options, more draconic looking. The current options just look goofy and very “cutesy”, even their running animation. And colors aside, they really all seem to bleed together, even in the VERY limited videos I’ve seen. That’s only going to get worse over time, because unlike ANY other race/class in the game, they aren’t able to transmog armor.

That comes as no surprised, personally. It makes sense.

I mean… why draw the line at shoulders and belts? Why wouldn’t you just allow them to wear armor?

Obviously, like tons of other races, they wouldn’t wear proper boots, and I could even see them not doing cloaks, and MAYBE not helms. But… shoulders and SOME belts?

Even with their “built-in” armor, there is NO way they’re going to have enough options to match EVERY PAIR OF SHOULDERS IN THE GAME. So it remains a very, very bizarre restriction.

Especially when only two classes even WEAR Mail armor. Collecting those transmog pieces would likely keep a lot of players VERY busy.

But like I said, if they’re going to be so restricted, then some additional options would go a long ways.

The top option is the option I want for my Dracythyr. A big buff daddy dragon who lifts and reads.

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Ya give me them buff boys

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That’d be something where you actually need artist input on why the decisions were made, because that’s generally a group discussion sort of thing where you hash out details of what works, what doesn’t, how can this look better, what can we do to bring this out more, and the like.

I want a muscleboy option for the evoker. How do you make transforming into a dragon super soldier not look menacing? It’s like they went out of their way to make them look skinny because of ‘toxic masculinity’ or some nonsense like that.

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Dracthyr can’t even wear cloth? What?!? Put some clothes on!

I too would sacrifice visage form for more Dragon body options.


I think it’s due to how textured Drac’thyr are. When you’re dealing with modeler scales and spikes, painted on armour would look absolutely horrendous. But any armour with 3D bits that would “float” above the skin? All those are fair game.

To be clear, I don’t like it. But I get it.

I would like the option to remove the wings. I’ve seen some alpha footage and they look really big, like they will get in the way.

I love the beefy looking one! Would love that on a warrior or paladin eventually.


I don’t understand the point of the visage form from a lore perspective.

real dragons have them since they’re, you know, giant Fing dragons that would otherwise have trouble interacting with mortals.

Dracthyr are the same shape and size as mortals already.

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In fact, if we’re recycling skeletons/rigs… why not something like the Stoneborn general guys?

In all seriousness, I’ll reserve judgment until we get some actual lore via their starting experience.

Yeah, it honestly doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

I genuinely feel like it was done to try and avoid the very obvious complaints of “what can’t Dracthyr wear armor?”, or even have the basic ability to mount?

These are just crazy limitations.