By Gul’dan, in a hero’s death, not by the actions of the Horde.
Vol’jin dying to Fel guard #641 we will ignore, but Garrosh and Sylvanas were both targets of Alliance (and Horde rebel) forces against them. Not even close. Vol’jin being a taking spirit for story purposes doesn’t make that balanced.
Are you seriously trying to equate Anduin WILLINGLY choosing to go MIA…as equal to the losses and dismantling the Horde has had over the years?
And this here is exactly why the stereotype of not bothering to debate with hardcore alliance fanboys, because of comments like these. You try to dismiss any facts by saying such outrageous claims that it makes the entire discussion void.
I’m a not “hardcore fanboy” of any specific faction, I said I play both, good luck with your weird opinions.
“Dismiss such facts” lol who cares.
Whatever you’re trying to point out, is pointless.
You do know it’s a video game, right?
Just… lmao.
The point made here is that the story of any alliance character when they die is actually respected and their sendoff is earned and cool. Varian got by far the most heroic death in a kickbutt cinematic in the history of this game.
But when a Horde character dies it just looks pathetic.
- Bovan was kidnapped and tortured by centaurs.
- Vol’jin died to fel poison from a random felguard.
- Cairne died offscreen in a book not read by most players.
- Dranosh was oneshottet by Arthas
- Zaela was a mere Dungeon Boss
You can trace a pattern here. Blizzard has no respect for Horde heroes. They are deplorable. Tradgedy is everywhere in the Horde plot and each time it gets worse.
When the alliance enters the scene everyone knows the Protagonist arrived and are here to take names and claim victory.
Horde and Alliance are not treated as equals which is pure poison for the community.
Saurfang. 10 chars
Anyway I’m outta this convo.
It’s pretty dumb.
Lol you didn’t even read what I wrote.
Died in a Mok’gora with Sylvanas, on screen and in game.
Garrosh became soul dust taking down one of the bosses in sanctum after we had weakened the boss
While this might be true, it seems that some only focus on one part:
Alliance whiners focus more on the fact they don’t drive the story, Horde does
Horde complainers focus on the fact that they never win in the end
Horde is the aggressor most, if not all, the time, Horde “victories” are shown in game, while the only alliance victories shown are the ones that wrap things up. Otherwise all we see from the alliance in game is scenes like the one Anduin is lamenting that they are losing men and keep having to replace soldiers with farmers.
Almost like Blizzard write the Horde to be the vehicle that drives the story forward but due to how they write it, they try to make it up to the alliance by giving their heroes memorable deaths.
Doing nothing is still better then being pulled through the meatgrinder. If nothing had changed since wotlk then pretty much all leaders would still be alive. You can argue the Alliance is too passive in some cases but that doesn’t really matter because they don’t have to change their entire government every two expansions.
It is especially telling when we have seen alliance that would be more then happy to take the fight to the Horde before the Horde struck. While Anduin might have wanted peace, ones like Sky Capitain Rogers do exist.
Alliance complain about getting a nothing burger, but Horde get a poo sandwich when it comes to the story (and don’t bother pointing out all that allaince did get to these guys). But that is the price Horde pay for being the vehicle to drive the story. The thing is the kind of alliance player I am talking about is the kind that sees everything from a Horde perspective, like Varian’s death being used to prop Sylvanas up and allow her to do what she likes to the alliance.
A few too many times, I have seen alliance complain and been like “ok, the don’t complain when you are the aggressors and get whomped with the villain bat so Horde win in the end”.
I am willing to lose a city. Especially Orgrimmar. I can assure you the majority of the Horde community has no bond to that place. If Orcs become refugees again Thrall would be forced to find a place that is actually good to live in.
poggers, the orcs invade mulgure and kill all taurens… again!
NO. orgrimmar exist because the orcs have ptsd and want to pay for their sins. or it was like that until freaking garrosh turn it into a fortress corrupted by old gods and killed cairne, the panda guy and almost killed voljin and then silvanas just turn into the moustache elf and…
you know what wow isnt cannon anymore, we are cannonically still not being able to beat arthas yet.
I know why Thrall chose Durotar. And it is stupid. The markets are overflowing but not because the Orcs are so good at farming because they import pretty much everything from their allies. Durotar is a desert and apart from pork nothing grows there.
When Thrall choose it, it was a harsh land but one that still provided things to those willing to work for it, like lumber on Thunder Ridge and decent water from the Southfury river.
Thing is Durotar suffered:
- Alliiance building a lumber mill on thunder ridge and deforesting of said ridge
- the events of Cycle of Hatred
- the goblins in Azshera polluting the river with their works
The issue is not Orgrimmar or Durotar, it is the events that happened and made the land worse for the orcs. Just another instance of alliance actions (and while it was Daelan that invaded Durotar, he was still Alliance at the time he did so Alliance can’t claim he was not) driving the Horde into less then ideal actions down the road.
The majority of the Orcs currently alive are born in the camps. They didn’t participate in the first two wars. So Thrall chosing Durotar as penance is pointless and cruel. He should have taken his army and force the Ogres out of Feralas by force and occupy Diremaul. That way his people could havge gotten everything they need.
Actually, I feel he would have been better off incorporating some of Azhera into Durotar as far as getting what the orcs needed.
If this isn’t the truest of statements of trying to have a discussion with those fanboys.
It’s either Horde get everything and it isn’t fair.
Or Horde get what they deserve.
Completely ignoring all the losses and dismantling and hollow victories as Horde is used as fodder to drive their storyline.
It’s incredibly 1 dimensional and the posters above are a great reflection of it.