A lot of new players made elves and didn’t know the prior history of the game.
They just loved their elves, and wanted to be the ‘good guys’, fast forward to Void Elves on the Alliance.
Alliance is the more popular faction right now, a lot of people didn’t find the Horde appealing, only Blood Elves to be.
Blood Elves actually ended up being TOO popular, and for a time, they were more than A THIRD of the Horde races. For a race that’s supposed to be near-extinct.
You can still find some evidence of it on the net.
One guy wrote a several pages letter directed to Ion himself saying how he has gone through such turmoil and emotional pain and begging him to give the high elf model to the Alliance. It was then prompted up and advertised by their fan group as some emotional appeal to have it done.
That’s the type of people the entire idea catered to.
It doesn’t help that Dark Irons have among the best racials in the game, especially for PvP, lol. Removes almost every debuff and makes you stronger for each one removed, that’s nuts.
Buff Horde racials, they really need it right now.
The issue is that blizzard didn’t take a hard stance. They could have ended the whining ages ago by putting in a storyline that closed the chapter permanently on any high elf nonsense.
Ion tried to make a comment about it once, but a comment wasn’t enough. Bring the boot down and squash it out.
(Also Richard Knaak as a writer was more concerned with his own fantasies and less about the overall story. That was too damaging.)
What exactly am I demanding? I just said you should have the factions stay unique. If everyone can use anything model or class the faction lines get blurred.
These are posts of you demending, and refusing to back down, just like a spoiled rotten BRAT. Maybe what you should ask for is your warmongering hind quarters to be allowed to move into one of the other timelines permanently, I’d suggest the warlords one where the Alliance and Horde never had a reason to team up with each other and the faction war just escalates to no end. This would give you, and those like you, what you want and save the rest of us from having to deal with your drivel which, knowing Blizzard if they caved, would mean the Horde get WHOMPD with the villain bat again just to please a spoiled brat.
While his posts are a bit over the top, I can also empathise with where his frustration is coming from.
The Horde has loss leader after leader, powerhouse after powerhouse, every time an original idea or character form them is again stripped away and leaving the faction bare, broken and dulled.
You look at the Horde now and what big names do you see? What inspiring champions? Most are referenced as a joke for a reason. The only one potentially is Lor’themar, and Blizzard have been milking at that character for 4 expansions now.
When last did the Alliance feel such a blow? When last was the Alliance power dismantled? King removed/killed? Head Capital in a raid?
So try and empathise with where his frustration is coming from, rather than refer to him as a spoiled Brat that should go sit in another timeline?
Legion lol, Varian died back then, when Horde lost Vol’jin (rip), but Vol’jin didn’t actually die, and might actually be in the process of replacing Rezan as the new Loa of Kings.
Vol’jin is coming back, we know it. BfA & Shadowlands had a lot of hints towards him. His spirit is still around, talking and stuff.
I’d chalk Cataclysm as a whole, as a Horde victory as well, in terms of damage done to Alliance zones throughout the world.
Shadowlands also kinda ruined Tyrande as a character, made her extremely weak, she got all powered-up by Elune and still lost, to Nathanos of all people, in Darkshore.
He died in the end, but that didn’t go anywhere for the Alliance. Horde hated Nathanos as well, lol.
Teldrassil got burned, and no revenge was taken for it.
Anduin, is also Sylvana’s friend now, and has stepped down from the throne, currently still MIA in the lore, and both of them are supposedly chilling in The Maw together.
I think Alliance actually has it worse than the Horde does, and I play both factions.
Sorry, but I look at ones like him and my frustration comes out. my frustration with donkeys like him that drag the Horde down and gets us smacked with the Villain bat just because he can’t get the idea that the Horde of WCII is DEAD, we are the Horde that started in Lord of the Clans and continued on to today.
His frustration? sorry, but he only has himself to blame, and quite a few of us Horde players have had it with being smacked with the villain bat as that is the only way the Horde ones like the OP get written by Blizzard.
Well I take what the alliance has right now over the mess of state the Horde is in post Bfa. We might lost a Capital(hopefully Orgrimmar) but at least our leaders stay alive.
Being a villain is not a problem. Being a bunch of humans in monster costumes with no story, culture etc is. You can have a good story without being a hero that saves the day from evil.
yes, but that takes competent writers that can handle things like nuance and shades of gray. I never said we had to be heroes, in face my ideal take on BFA would have been if Lordaeron was before Teldrassil or the Horde did not burn teldrassil down (but it still happened during the attack so of course the Allince would blame the Horde). In otherwords, things that show that the Horde is not being villain batted to the point of rebellion among the ranks, but we are still a villain to the alliance.
The issue is, when it comes to faction conflict, and likely doing the things you posted, Blizzard can only write “Alliance=good, Horde=evil”