If Sylvanas Was Redeemed And Came Back As Warcheif

Won’t quit just won’t go anywhere near Orgrimmar again lol.

I’d be happy.


That’s just because trying to keep control of an army of intelligent undead is quite hard even with an artifact as legendary as the helm of domination. Most necromancers can only have mindless ghouls under their domain with the highest maybe having a few under their control. Even with the Helm of domination it is tough though. If you’ve played through the Icecrown citadel quest chain there are even quests there to free some intelligent scourge mentioning how there were certain items used as additional measures to keep them in check. It isn’t about the helm being weak at all I think. However I agree with Bolvar being defeated as not a giant issue.

It’s irrelevant if it makes sense lore wise.

It sucked real hard for a lot of Warcraft lovers.

The Lich Kings story was close to perfect. One of the few great things in Warcraft.
They did him dirty.

Bolvars version of the Lich King was still portrayed as a sleeping threat. He was still powerful from the players perspective.

Then suddenly Sylvanas is capable of defeating him with ease? Some hidden massive power growth that the players never even saw or noticed? Told to go read one of the latest books to figure out why it could make sense?

I don’t mind the Lich King being defeated.
I just didn’t want him to be showed up like that. Especially when Blizzard was advertising Shadowlands through some cool wallpaper of Bolvar ready to fight, purposely getting people excited for the Lich Kings return.


Pull the lever, Kronk!

I wouldn’t quit the game but I used to be a regular Normal and Heroic AOTC raider in Legion.

I quit raiding till Nyalotha because I didn’t like the story although I regret missing Eternal Palace. I got AOTC in Nyalotha by Feb or March because I thought the story was better.

I don’t care enough about the story of the game that it would be a reason for me to quit.

An MMO’s story is the equivalent of junk food, and WoW is no exception.

Battle of Dazar’alor was the best raid of the expansion and it’s a shame you missed that one.

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I thought it was pretty clear that she won by letting him wear himself down trying to get a solid hit on her while she had set a trap for him. Sounds like something she’d do.

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I would sign my mortal soul over to Bwon’samdi for a Klondike bar.

Perhaps but I disliked the “Thrilling War Campaign” so I guess I’m happy

I mean, everything about the fight. Taking on an entire army of the scourge and Bolvar single handed, having the strength to physically throw around hundreds of tons of Saronite, having those magical chains come out of nowhere with no explanation or reason she just has that technique now.

Everything about that cinematic, aside from the visuals looking good, was good.

Like I said, I made a pretty lengthy post on how it could have been done so much better and more in line with here character.

I don’t take issue with her beating Bolvar, what I take issue with as that the hyper intelligent tactical character that worked best by using others and using tools to her advantage was basically turned into Frieza from Dragon Ball Z. Instead of utilizing her remaining loyal Dark Rangers and Nathanos, instead of having pulled out a magical artifact like maybe a repaired lantern from Legion (the one greymane smashed), instead of any of the things that actually made Sylvanas a dangerous character to deal with she fights Bolvar and an entire army of scourge head on without so much as a scratch.

That, is what I take issue with. I would have been fine with her beating Bolvar, but the way she did it… no, a million times no. Its bad writing from start to finish and the most frustrating part is that it could have been really good.


B-but Sylvanas is trying to kill Bwonsamdi D:

Minor misunderstanding. I’m sure it will be cleared up in the novel. They’re both alive in Shadowlands, I’m assuming they are laughing it up together pulling one over on Muezalah.

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An undead monstrosity of fire and ice “tiring himself out” after a 2minute duel?

That isn’t even how she won.

She won because in the lore off-screen she gained powers from The Jailor.
She had a massive power creep. It was just hidden.

Had nothing to do with stratergy. She was just so much more powerful all of a sudden.

She didn’t set a trap. She just stuck him with her arrows after she was done toying with him.

That’s after she solos those dozens of undead mobs that he had up on the Frozen Throne with him.

She should have been far more worn out, if that was a factor, which is wasn’t.


I’d agree if she didn’t have a history of killing mindless undead without any effort. See silverpine forest when your rode alongside her away from the sepulcher.

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So uhhh…we are just going to ignore the shotgun thing that also may have happened there?


Ever since Orc Elite Catapults™ blasting the World Tree anything is possible.


I don’t understand this argument. We’ve known Sylvanas made a deal with a more powerful entity for a long time now. Arguably her character has been absolutely ruined and trashed by the most recent story developments. But the cinematic on the Eve of the reveal of who she is working for showing her new-found powers that are yet to be explained is a bridge too far? Why? It wasn’t the part where she manipulated her way into becoming Warchief…despite the novel saying she did not want to be Warchief (go figure). Nope, it’s the cinematic where Bolvar gets his rear-end handed to him after doing virtually nothing for a decade.

I truly believe this is a case of anti-Sylvanas bias that plagues the very online WoW community (aka WoWhead, Twitter, Reddit, main forums) and the unearned faith in Lich King Bolvar’s power which has always been a matter of faith. It has never been the case that Bolvar is a powerful entity. He was always a butt in the seat. Arguably the powers the Bolvar manifests in that fight, like being able to throw massive Spikes at Sylvanas, or heck even being free from the throne and walking around, is more absurd than anything Sylvanas does in that fight.

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ACK! OOGH! Ughhh…

*ragdolls in chair*