If Stormwing and Ogrimmar were destroyed

If we’re losing Orgrimmar can we have Oldgrimmar back?

Wasnt Ice Crown actually getting more frozen? thats what i saw in the Frost Death Knight Artifact weapon mission

Not so, an illusionary spell was used.

Scientist also have noticed Murloc migrations to be more inland than ever before.

…and Gilneas is dark, gloomy and has a feral dog problem.

i’ll be making portals to the Vupera Trailer Park

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Gnomeregan? IT HAS BEEN SO LONG!


Well you know, if we could keep irradiated gnomes out of it, it would smell better.

Silvermoon. I spend most of my downtime there.


Well if you guys destroy Dalaran (finally) you are going to have to put the equivalent of the dalaran sewers somewhere else. I mean cmon man some of us call the murder dumpster home!

Just moving back to the wandering isle / Pandaria
Faction war can be finished now yeah?

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Give up! Alliance cities are always lost, for ever!

If belong to ally, it will be destroyed by the horde or lost to disaster!

Orgrimmar destroyed?
If the horde is already disgusted with having their city raided, then imagine ruining it as Teldrassil, the valley at Pandaria, Theramore, Gilneas, South Shore and Gnomeran!

I doubt we see anything like this!

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First i’d be all for rebuilding Org as it was pre cata. New grommash hold is a an ugly glorified zepplin tower. Old Grommash hold was a true fortress and felt like a better equivalent to the castle in stormwind. I miss the old wc3 architecture in general. New high res buildings are cool but i wish they’d stay truer to the old design/style.

As far as claiming a new city i’d love love LOVE to move into Zul’gurub! Zul’aman would also be cool! Turning Echo Isles into a true capital would be awesome as well. Zuldazar is cool but it doesn’t have that same mysterious voodoo vibe that ZG and ZA have.

If I were alliance I think having a capital version of shadowforge would be pretty awesome.

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After all the work to remove a city from the kalimdor alliance, to have a horde position in both the south and north of East Kingdom, pinning the Alliance?

I think not!

As long as Stormwind is okay, I’m fine.


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Well, wolves pant when they’re hot, so you’re good.

Canada comes to mind…

If that happens I’d go for a horde filled suramar city. That or a reopening of silvermoon city. This would fill in the dead parts ours de the city obsorbing them back in. This would fit with the story line of blood elves regaining their blue eyes for the horde at the right time when lorthremar takes over as warchief.

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A new night elf city would be huge now that they don’t have any land left

Silvermoon it has a strict no fly zone and only accesible from a small gap in between mountains on the north of EK. I wanted to add best defendable city but Arthas proved us wrong once. Though we were on our own as we had no help from other races back then, thank you Alliance for letting us die and we were betrayed from within.

Ironforge>Stormwind, anyways.

Lor’themar is going to die sorry to tell you this. Kaelthas however is coming back after all his last defeats were just merly setbacks.

Also I always imagined the Ghostlands being a perfect zone for the Forsaken to rebuild after Undercity. We can probably fit in the Trolls in Zul’aman. Thinking about it Im pretty sure we can turn the entire region into a Horde foretress for every race. We can rebuild the big scar for a Nightborn area. The Tauren can live in some tents east of Eversong. Orcs and Goblins in Ghostlands near the enterance somewhere, like right in the enterance because Orcs love ravines I guess. Perfect.