If Star Trek Deep Space 9's Garak was in the Horde

If Garak was in WoW I would assume he’d verbally challenge Saurfang’s idealism concerning peace with the Alliance before his talk with Sylvanas in A Good War yet also be kind enough to mention that the Blood Elves and Forsaken only joined because the Alliance forced them into the Horde!

Once Sylvanas posed her questions concerning peace with the Alliance one would think Saurfang would remember the points that Garak put forth and suggest getting the Alliance to push it’s members into the Horde!

Sylvanas would probably be surprised at his suggestion and ask how he came to his conclusions and find that he spoke to Garak whose mastery of espionage she would be well aware of considering her network of Spies!

She’d inform Saurfang that Garak is a master at espionage which would convince Saurfang to go to him alongside Sylvanas for a plan to get the Alliance to drive it’s members into the Horde which Garak would mention as being bloody business not that Sylvanas would ever care as the bloodier the better!

How would Garak get member Races in the Alliance into the Horde? How would Sylvanas push to maximize casualties behind Garak’s back?


I love that you just put Garak into a WoW scenario.

This is best thread. :purple_heart:

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If Garak were in WoW he would be a simple tailor in a small city on the edge of Alliance controlled territory.

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Elim Garak should have a small tailoring business in Oribos.

I’m watching Garak right now. He just blew up his tailors shop.