you watch too much anime.
Evidence of this? All I see is pure opinion.
you mean i can pull off
Tell me how I can beat a Ret? If you were a Warrior attacking an equally geared Ret tell me your tactic?
I play Paladin and Warrior and on my Pld I fear almost nobody.
Every class he listed gets absolutely walked all over by warriors in their current state LOL.
I know… thats why im getting a ton of giggles from this one.
i can beat dks, i can beat shamans, i can destroy shadow priests, i can beat rogues, i can beat hunters, idk just get better lmao
I will avoid pointing out irony.
Wpvp would be cool if it wasn’t so cringe
Sure you can, bye daisy!
just because you dont hit war banner or disarm doesnt mean i dont bro
so what are you talking about when you talk about wpvp?
to me wpvp is generally a few things:
small scale skirmishes that then escalate to big battles as both sides keep calling in people.
ganking and other assorted small scale pvp fights here and there.
BS weekly quests that encourage 5v1 hunt and kill packs of players.
most of bfa you could find some sort of fun going on in BfNaz, especially between the two bases.
Threads being taken over by the Premade / Arena crew that like advantage piling up bodies with their elitist gear!
Instead of discussing why they need better gear they instead attack me. Typical No True Scotsman.
so you dont like dynamic pvp? a good player can think on their feet.
idk i only showed up cuz u type ab warrior while being not good at it and complain ab other classes
Someone sounds sad :< Would you like a
Apparently he needs an attack plan specific to the other teams Composition one they practiced over and over before with no chance of error from an outside source.
choreographed dance routines are cool to watch, but they aren’t battles. thats what arena players and RBGers dont get.
idk hed dunk on you in any form of pvp you could think of