seee the horde is way hotter. I love that pally’s look
You said you were owning it up on a 150-something shaman. Why did you mention item level to rationalize the 55% win percentage? I thought skill > gear, so why mention your partner’s item level at all?
You: skill>gear
Me: why are you close to breaking even in low arena
You: my partner only has 150 item level
“Aweee mAAnnn, that player is thinking outside the box to get better gear, while I don’t want to put in the EFFORT? THATS ILLEGAL!!!”
55% winrate is actually fine though? You should see the amount of people under 50% winrate
Don’t bother my man, that person is all about Argumentum ad populum, they only serve a purpose to disrupt conversation they dislike.
They will use Equivocation, Red Herring and move the Goal Posts in every comment until you don’t even know what the first debate subject was.
Then their ilk of buddies will perform Shotgun Argumentation.
Who said my partner only has 150 ilevel?
Make up things to try and make a point. Typical forum behavior.
It’s more like making fun of entitled brats who feel they deserve everything better players get… because it’s not fair if they play random BGs! Is it fair that people with no gear join random BGs too? I bet you get rolled by 150 ilvl players.
Better yet. Why is your monk basically at the same rating in ilvl 196 gear.
The difference is that I’m not using the profile to try to say anyone is “bad.” I’m just using it to tear down an argument that I think is bad. I have no reason to believe that Daisy is bad. In fact, I think it is very likely that they are good.
I’m not going to call people bad based off of the armory. That is elitist and dumb.
You could very well be carrying friends who aren’t as good at pvp, are inexperienced and not geared. That is a main point that some egos fail to recognize. Your success in arena and rated BGs depends a lot on your team.
Some people get a nice rating and then come to the forums to talk about how great they are and act like it was just all them getting them there.
At that matchmaking? So, people there aren’t as bad as being portrayed?
You want to rating shame an alt that has no gear (and by no gear, i mean less than the typical casual. No one has argued against 150 ilvl not being competitive). Quite amusing.
You run into everything at that level, my fresh alt getting conq catchup cap is going to obliterate some team’s winrate and i’m also going to lose to better teams whether it be xp or gear
Above 50% is fine
Team is everything. I specifically look for bad teams when I’m smurfing with randoms in the 1400s, when games can be challenging because I am literally doing more damage than the enemy team combined, and still lose sometimes. Oftentimes it’s like 2v3 because my other dps is worthless and the healer usually isnt good. It’s actually really fun, a different type of fun from the 2k bracket. My goal is to tank rating anyways so win or lose I enjoy it.
I’m not making excuses. Funny how we went from talking about BGs to talking about Arenas.
Fact is your 196 ilvl monk is basically the same as my low ilvl alt. If anyone has a skill issue, it certainly isn’t me.
It seems like you are on my side in this argument, then.
You were literally making excuses. Don’t worry though, I think they are good excuses. Sometimes excuses are actually the reasons.
I don’t actually know what the argument is at this point
All i’m saying is 55% winrate is perfectly acceptable imo lol
What excuse am i making? I never argued that gear didn’t matter. My argument was being in top end honor gear is perfectly suitable to play competitively.
The fact you wanted to switch the conversation about Arenas (which when I brought my alt, had no mention about them), just shows you are grasping at straws to try and validate your failure.
But continue giving me laughs.
Well, 65% is better than 55% but I’m playing with a blind guy in 138 item level gear.