If PvP is about Skill?

Seems like it is everyone’s interpretation except your own.


Yea ok everyone.

duel me bro…


Wait so you have played more than fade and fade has higher rating/ gear than you and plays better?

Hmm weird flex but ok.

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Plays better? You have no evidence of that nice narrative change though, and has nothing to do with this thread.

Why does The best Arena players need better gear then the people lower then them?

Yes you clearly are an amazing player, it’s not your fault in anyway shape or form.


You should probably quit while you’re behind… you’re the only one who thinks this way and we can all see why.

I’m clearly an alt of fade/jd.

/ soft chanting
“One of us, one of us”.

You mean aside from him being a High Warlord, Duelist, 2200+ in every arena bracket over multiple seasons while you have… um, literally nothing. Haha yeah no evidence bro. Totes just a narrative.

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Rombell is my alt. Fyi


Shhh don’t tell anyone.

No you don’t tell anyone

Not according to the pother voices in this thread.

Yea, because they’re in the same boat as you.

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funny how nearly everyone in this thread defending the status quo is doing so on a FOTM spec.

Didn’t know MW was FOTM.

BTW the person complaining is doing so from one of the most FOTMs in the game.

BM hunter is fotm?

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Hey OP. My alt is now the same ilevel as you. I dinged saturday. Nice.


Thats the ilvl everyone should be so we all are equal.

I’ll be 195+ on that toon after reset. Your ilevel is solely due to you refusing to participate in other forms of pvp. They’re not forcing you to pve. That is the only exception I’d consider a valid complaint.