If PvP is about Skill?

Yea you are asking for rated gear… you’re asking to receive the same gear as top tier players without being top tier or even attempting. Then getting upset about it when people tell you it’s not gear… its you babygirl.

Aka, I want rated gear.

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Show me where I asked for top gear?

I asked for gear to be equal!

Gear is equal… you just don’t wanna work for the better gear. You want a handout for doing casual battlegrounds.

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Why does the best pvpers need better gear to play against the ppl they already beat?

They don’t need it, they could have 150 ilvl and still roll you… why? Because they’re better players. They earned it through skill to play against people the same rating as them who earned it.

You may not be crying but I’d wager the community perception of this thread is that you are indeed crying. You do you though.


Sure, your interpretation is yours.

Just don’t get the expectations of anyone reading this thread will attempt to have a rational conversation with you going forward since you’ve tarnished your name and are being labeled as a cry baby on a video game forum. You’ve got over a thousand posts now and not one of them is remotely positive. If you’re not having fun just don’t play.


Thanks for the input, many players have had great discussion. I could care less what you think of my name.

Well… hell, you’ve said it all.


This thread has been nearly 500 posts of woe is me. How pathetic.


I just use it as amusement while I do torghast on 7 60s. :sob:

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It has… it’s sad really. He claims he doesn’t want a handout, but this all screams… “gimme gimme gimme” he’s 50 and can’t see what he’s saying and how it is portrayed.


How pathetic for Fading to hope on alts to comment.

Jd = Fading? lol what.

Those are definitely not my alts. But this is. Check pvp has all my alts listed. Feel free to look.


My classic character is level 6 and that guy has more posts than I have minutes played. Idk why OP thought it was me. Pretty sure JD has disagreed with me plenty times as well.

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Lol he is grasping at straws.

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Lol I’m not Fading. If his eyes were not filled with tears all the time he may be able to see that.