If PvP is about Skill?

define it then

I’m not going anywhere pal. I’m enjoying this thread… I’m not the one making excuses for inability, plus you aren’t the only person to talk to.

I already did

no you didn’t

So you admit you are only in this thread to follow me around trolling me? I don’t ignore people unless they are truly Manipulating and dishonest.

I guess i have no choice here.

No one is trolling you, you don’t wanna have a discussion… because you can’t prove your point, you aren’t the only person with the ability to talk here you know. I don’t care if you ignore me… I’ve proven my point.

I have proven my point, The Best pvpers don’t need better gear to fight the lesser pvpers! End point!

Edit* I see what you are asking looked quickly at it as I was in a rbg game.

Toxic is : extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful

Nothing Fading has said so far in this thread can be considered Toxic. Using the adjective crying is not toxic behavior.

That’s well and good but they aren’t arguing to be given gear. “I can’t get the rating for gear” =/= “Gear should be irrelevant”

We just got rid of wonky scaling and a lack of PvP gear. Unless you’re referring to templates which weren’t a bad concept, just poorly executed. Much like the current gear system.

I’ve played this game for years now more casual than before and it still has the same problem as 10 years ago and the truth is that the pvp has never had the attention of blizard every expansion is concentrated in pve content and history and you see the forums and some comments that say that people will always complain that this than the other. The pvp maps the work they have historically dedicated to pvp has been a complete disconnection and the pvp players have no choice but to settle when there is a small change and take it in the best positive way because this is our game and we like it but that does not mean that this right for me what is wrong is a disaster and point and I do not have to conform. The truth is that those who an attempted to rock the pve with pvp and that balance thing does not even exist blizzard still not to try to approach the pvp community just a little in shadowland that is the truth. The pvp player works based on 3 principles the first we give a … the pve .2 we like the fast game. Team hunting scaled to your skill level in pvp as simple as that. Yesterday it was embarrassing to watch the current top 100 multigladiator venruki twitch in arenas 3 vs 3 enter a random rgb to quickly weather the conquest and was shattered by a druid balance with 46k hp and I told myself how far we’ve come to aution house you spend thousands of dollars because that’s the current guilds are spending piles of gold to equip themselves and be the first to clean up raid thing Amazing thousands of dollars in gear and comes a random to pvp and smashes to a current top 100 2900 mmr as if it were rubbish. We continue with the same maps for rbg arenas with nothing different for 10 years so that they can even make it more pleasurable not to put runes that go out in the rbg every 30 seconds and put an orb on top and that rune is a suicide bomb that kills everyone in an area around but kill that player in a certain amount of time. on the map The Eye of the Storm a runes that allow you to ball towards the towers and get super fast piles of things and make them more dynamic. Put this pvp players into them don’t care because the programtors designed and they’re all pve players so the pvp content in this game hasn’t changed in 10 years that simple. blizzard can do great things one of thousands that of the team is easy to put stast power or resilence or vien could be that the pvp team makes 500% less damage in pve but nevertheless the pvp team could be hand item lvl higher in itm lvl than that of pvp. you start to see the stats distributed in the feet and they feel sorry that part of that we like the fast game do not understand the versatility by the sky the stamina by the sky the main stats give pity. The rbg from 1000 onwards if you already capped 1800 you would never have to be a 1700 of new this offered opportunities for progress to player of course that would increase the limits but because you would have to have limits at one point you will stack the best of the best i just example no have to do like these but you can see .that’s just a point but you can see when they try on something and when not thousands of dollars win in that aution house, maybe I’ll win them I won’t mind they go on with the team xyztem as it works no matter how their boss has to fire them or they know it’s happening and they really can’t do anything

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Well thats the point of better gear… you work towards it. You shouldn’t just be handed the best pvp gear in the game just for the sole fact that you PVP. Not everything should be a handout because you put some time into casual battlegrounds… you can get up to 184 gear, after that you gotta do rated. They don’t have to like it, but at the end of the day… the better you do, the better the reward. They want participation trophies.

the same could be said about players who want gear to matter, they want to get a PVP advantage by running PVE content. a Mythic Raider in BIS should be scaled down to 184 in pvp if that is all casuals get because they haven’t put any PVP time in but want to win anyway.

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That’s not a valid point. You’re just screaming… “Gimme gear that I didn’t earn!”

No one cares if you’re bad, it’s the fact that you run to the forum and make excuses for that inability. We all start somewhere, but you gotta take a look at yourself and understand where the problem lies… it’s not gear.


You’re either trolling or literally not reading.

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If gear doesn’t matter or well… shouldn’t matter, why is there gear at all… why not play the game with nothing at all?

Clearly you’re a troll, bye.

you play with your build and win formula. ie, if im a dk going into 2s atm, i might want to be blood and partner with a high burst class, if i am doing epics, i might want to switch to unholy and use a wide spread rot damage model to help support my team.

gear doesn’t need to matter, its a flawed attempt at creating a drive to get better when it misses the fact the pvp already has that drive build in: losing sucks. people try to get better so they can feel like a winner, overpowering your opponent with gear is like taking steroids. yeah you won, but it was a cheap win that nobody will give you credit for.

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Blood dk in 2s? lol… :joy:


No you shouldn’t you should have to earn it liek we do Honor Gear, and then upgrade each piece, and then voila you have an elite set of pvp gear. Go pvp!

Losing does suck. Yes gear should matter and always should. If you don’t wanna put the time into more than one aspect of the game, you only hurt yourself. He doesn’t like Arena, fine… Rated BGs, he likes to BG. Why not put some time into finding a team, instead… he comes to the forum to whine and make excuses because he doesn’t get that gear. Because that gear, has to be earned. He can put it any way he wants… but he’s looking for a handout or participation trophy… you don’t have to have the best gear to win. A win is a win, you don’t need anyone’s approval or the losing party’s acceptance… if I gotta step on your throat to get to the top, so be it. I’m gonna get that gear.