If PvP is about Skill?

I remember on SL seeing an area with many barrels of KY… lmao
But yes, SL is an interesting mmo, where wow could use some of its cosmetic design features tbh

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This won’t work because WoW PvP is now about gear and not skill.

You need to understand that Blizzard’s monetary model is not based on being a casual or elitist, rather it’s based on how long it keeps you playing the game. By making it so that the average casual player can’t work towards the best gear anymore, you force them to play Arena which is further imbalanced and causes FoTM classes so people reroll/spend more time/more money/more energy which means more $$$ for the company.

There’s a good reason to leave the game as unfinished and time gated as it is, it can easily milk the time and money out of the suckers who are too blinded by their love for the franchise.


I am an older dude, and I played many fantasy games, and some do attribute gear, but they were not player vs player based.

PvP at least in instanced pvp should be base gear across the board. With a maybe 5-10% fluctuation on stats

in mop, we had pvp power stat to fight in pvp, wod we had the ilvl boost in pvp

don’t thank me for enlighting you

I’ve been doing BGs since the very first ones were implemented, its only when I am forced to PvE and Raid to be competitive in pvp have I left!


I agree I would like to see the gear in pvp normalized.

Between keeping PVE gear out of PVP, and a normalization of gear would provide a good base line for any PVP balancing that needs done.

I think some people just either
a. Need gear progression
b. Want to have something better than the next person

Myself personally I play for the love of the game. I like spec/comp theory crafting and the such. I would certainly play more classes if they weren’t locked behind so much garbage to be competitive.


In MoP, PvE gear was scaled down in ilvl in instanced PvP to the same as honor gear, otherwise raiders with legendary cloaks would’ve dominated S15.

WoD took that concept to the next level.

You’re welcome for jogging your memory.


I think those people are Raiders, and they can choose that route. Majority of PvPers just wanna have the best gear for pvp. If the best gear was max upgraded Honor gear we are ll good to go!

Sure they could increase the cap as the game evolved but we all would be increasing the same times… No more high geared Super Skilled players killing us because they needed gear advantages.

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Wouldn’t this be the same as templates though? Just base stats across the board when zoned into pvp? Or create the gear and vendors for some reward incentive?

I see where you said above that the gear would only be upgraded slightly. I agree with that.

Poor fresh 60’s starting playing in their 150’s going up against 200+ isn’t very fun for them.

I think the game could be a lot more welcoming, and we could actually see the player base grow if they took the time to separate and normalize PVP. From a competitive point of view I don’t get it. Wouldn’t you want a baseline to truly base your skillset/theory/comp against? I think that there is a vocal portion of players that don’t.

Honestly I think its also because of their PVE nerd cash cow. Allowing them to go in an wreck face makes them feel good and keeps the subs up and token purchases flowing. That’s why you see them go ape #$%^ and triggered at the word resilience LOL.


No because it would still offer progression for new players to get the blue honor gear and upgrade it to elite, and would offer a base gear for world content, world quests, and starting gear for LFR if they so chose.

It would be cool to have PVP gear crafting or stat selection. Crafting would be a very cool idea (minus the mat collection). Maybe just put the Runecarver to work on PVP gear!

The reward is beating dat $%^! That and recognition, leader boards, weekly statues in the city (That was awesome in Warhammer Online).

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That would be my premise entirely, get your honor gear upgrade it using honor, and use another npc to change the stats the way you choose again using honor.

It would allow choice, individualization and a continued use of honor.

Some people think pvp should be about gear.

Some think it should just be about playing the matches.

Its hard to tell who the majority is because the forums only represent a small % of the population and you have streamers that are popular on both sides of the fence.

Hopefully as the expansion progresses they do a better job of equalizing item levels in pvp.

Pvp has always been about pvp! They did implement gearing and we all would push for Grand Marshal and High Warlord and get those pieces. However they were not that much better, they were better maybe 5-10% more stats but not crazy…

They were mostly sought after for Epeen and they were the best looking!

Anyone wanting gear for pvp is not a pvper in my book.


Im def not against gear, but I also would settle for Just across the base line stats where it would come down to the skill not gear. I wish there were more ways of playing around with stats and talents also though. It’s discouraging when forced into one mode, I know they want players to have the illusions of control, might as well give no choice lol

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Pvp is about playing the most busted spec on each patch.

Skill has almost nothing to do with it. Use the right build and talents and you will perform well.


That maybe for some, I choose a class to main every few years and stick with them through good and bad.

Skill is one factor in the equation. Gear is another, game mode is another. Class and spec are also factors, as well as team composition.

The issue is a lot of people on this forum are in denial as to how much of an advantage gear can give you. 20 item levels won’t let a keyboard turner beat a gladiator 1v1, but it will close the gap a certain amount.


Of course, Getting hit harder, Mitigating more Damage, having a larger Healthpool, having higher Versatilty… Anyone thinking gear doesn’t matter is being sincerely ignorant!