If pvp gearing gets nerfed

Heroic already drops multiple items per run as well as the possiblity of 220 gear. The only gear that drops from M+ is the 1 piece of 226.

You do understand that M+ is the worst form of gearing right now? It doesn’t need to be nerfed relative to other forms of gear, it needs to be substantially buffed, which is what Blizzard is doing in 9.0.5. Like, you’ve got things completely backwards to be completely honest.

PvP gear needs to be nerfed, raids needed a slight bump (which they got), and Mythic+ need major help, which it is getting. Blizzard is making all the right moves with 9.0.5 and 9.1.

I agree PvE acquisition needs to dramatically improve.

Are you then saying that PvP gear that is BiS for both PvP and PvE should be retained? That’s where I respectfully disagree.

Why would they nerf pvp gear though ? , its not overpowered

M+ base gearing needs to be buffed

Vault only gives 1 piece per week so I don’t understand why it rewards same ilvl as baseline for raid and pvp options but 16 ilvls highier for m+ options.

Vault should be the one free 226 piece for all players.

So yes.

The answer to that question can be ascertained by reading the posts of those who think it should be nerfed and asking what those players would expect to get out of such a change.

Yeah all BIS whining as usual :rofl: :rofl:

Vault is the primary loot mechanism for M+.

The Vault is secondary for PvP/Raiding. Therefore the PvP / Raiding Vault options must be worst generally speaking in order for there to be a balance.

Blizzard is on the mathematically correct trajectory. With the changes to PvP gear in 9.1, the Benthic traits on raid gear, and the Valor implementation, 9.1 looks to be truly balanced system, where people play the content they want to play.

Something needs to be done at this point. Maybe when it all started out it was fine but at this stage, ya time to rein it in a bit.

I was on my rogue in Ashran this morning, a pally tank in there had a steady 114k health with spikes up to 137k when he’d get the temp buff (prob from a warrior shout i suppose).

As a rogue, nomatter the spec, it’s just pointless to even engage at that point.


The fundamental problem with the current system OP is that casuals and players that aren’t that great have no prospect of ever being competitive in PVP.

Come 9.1 they’ll still be in their ilvl 200 gear getting stomped in BG’s.

This is a shift from pretty much every expansion. BC, wrath, WoD, MoP. In all of them casuals could get the best gear EVENTUALLY for PvP. In wrath 3 PC’s were gated behind rating but since it was only 3 you would be fine using the previous seasons gear.

I don’t know what the correct solution is because blizz has done away with PvP stats. Perhaps just scale the gear in PvP and leave the current ilvl in PvE? Idk, that’s big daddy blizz’s job. The point is if people feel they won’t even have the chance to compete down the road, after months and months of doing content, they simply won’t participate.


What I said has nothing to do with classes

Well I am, gear locked behind rating is a horrible choice, one that Blizzard removed in Wrath.


Pvp gearing is not fine right now

The bottom half of the ladder is gone, there are huge power differences that are chasing players out of pvp, carries have flooded the ladders because pvp gear is beating pve, and the catchup system for alts is nonexistent


pvers just need a way to get a 233 weapon ; other than that it looks fine.

midly infuriating that conquest gear doesnt have enough choices when it comes to which stats are on it, buff that if anything :wink:

Sorry but mop was trash 2 min cc chains need to never come back

They wouldn’t be talking about making drastic changes if player participation wasn’t way down. That’s the only thing that makes them change course.


Has nothing to do with gear.


you statement was

I thought you were referring to pvp in general not just gear

I really like legion itemzation and pvp. Yes, even legendaries and TF

If you like the current PvP vendors and hate BfA-style reward-less PvP, you are in luck. Currently the PvP Honor tokens and vendors are clearly a big success in commercial terms. If an executive proposes to take them away and force PvPers into PvE again, he may as well just submit his resignation to the Board of Directors first.

BfA completely destroyed WoW’s profitability in East Asia, where most players are casual PvPers and competitive PvPers. The BfA servers in Taiwan, for instance, were almost devoid of players in 8.3. I’m sure that taught Blizz a lesson.

This is actually a severe problem with Shadowlands PvP and needs more Developers’ and System Designers’ attention. Currently there is an ongoing “pandemic” of paid Arena carries going on. The reason is that casual PvPers are locked out by ratings and can’t get good PvP gear without the ratings. To avoid the pain of getting stomped, many feel compelled to pay for Arena carries.

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I thought I did, I should of been more clear

Did someone say they were going to nerf it?