If PVP became a separate game

I used to think I wanted this, and I do think it’s better for the game… but right now I just don’t seem to want to PvP. I’m a little sad about this because it used to be all I liked doing in my non-raid time, but now I don’t. I’m not sure why…

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Could have something to do with PvP being a furiously paced real-time card game.

Whoops, your opponent drew tentacles.


He didn’t draw it.

N’Zoth randomly jumped in and messed up the board.

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I sometimes PVE and I like my PVE stuff.

What I would like to see is pvp independent of pve.
Like a different game in the same game. With it’s own talents, armor, skills and devs who only focus on it.
Hitting warmode could mean getting pvp gear and pvp world quests instead of just pve with some flavor.
Completely separate from pve but still in the game so I can keep my accumulated pet/mount/transmog/toy hoard and sit in town to chat with pve buddies. Swap over and PVE for a while if I want to.

Also I’m really cheap and don’t want to have to buy another game.


I don’t think I’ve PvP’d once this expansion. However, Guild Wars is a beautiful system. You get to PvP as any class at level 1. When I die, I know it’s because I’m being an idiot (Or because he’s a Mesmer and I’m a melee)
When class trials were more flexible and gear scaling was a thing, all I ever did in WoW was make class trials of what I wanted to play for the day and hopped into PvP. I think a ton of players would love that system.

Would depend on:

  • class and spec balance
  • reasonableness of gear power differential / gear scaling
  • ease of acquiring competitive gear for the type of PvP one is interested in

Since I don’t trust blizz to get at least 2 of 3 of those right, it’d probably not be very good to play.

I wouldn’t. I like the pve aspect of wow, just wish that pvp didn’t blow. Heck they don’t even need to do anything new. Give back what we had in MoP for e.g. Keeping pvp people happy would require much less effort than pve.

Just throw in some vendors, make a random brawl queue (let ab blizzard come in a lot), maybe a bg map ‘preference’, basically the opposite of blacklisting but increases your chance of getting a bg you like.

More toys, cosmetics, wpvp stuff from honor tokens. etc.


Does this include World PVP?


It would be nice if it did. I love my world pvp and it’s why I have never been on anything but pvp servers. Perhaps like Zenetta said, a pvp only world on a pvp only server.


Yes. I understand what you mean. And yes.

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I believe Blizzard needs to add PvP specs for each class that reverts them to their best parts from previous expansions. So we’d have, say, a PvE disc spec and a PvP disc spec: the two would use wholly different spells and mechanics, sharing only their names.

This would allow Blizzard to massively increase the mechanical crunchiness of PvP without affecting PvE, and contrawise.


For me, during WoD…pvp was a seperate game. World of Ashran. Once I got hooked into Ashran, especially premade vs premade, I did nothing else the entire expansion. No more quests, no flying grind, no raids, no dungeons, no Garrison BS…just Asharan…on all my alts, geared them fully. It was the most fun I’ve had in WoW next to making arena and rbg friends in MoP. I miss it.



If memory serves me right, the system didn’t try to match up premades.

If two premades randomly met in Ashran, the weaker one would bail out and reform in a different instance.

Premades spent most of their time rolling over pugs.


If I want straight PvP, I would play overwatch. I love the RPG aspect of the game.

What I really want is WoD and earlier PvP.


Everyone says this. I kinda wish I would have played WoD so I could have experienced it. I was so turned off by the garrison thing though, I passed on it. Came back for Legion and blew through WoD content super quick.

The levelling in WoD was really nice too. There was not much other content, but I was so content playing BG’s, it didn’t bother me in the slightest.

I hear MoP was the true heyday for PvP, but I missed that expansion sadly.


OW plays nothing like WoW. It’s just the same company.
It does not even have the same kinds of classes.

Hey I tried!

I am quite familiar with both games, but if I want straight PvP and only PvP, I play OW. WoW offers me more though.

There is no pvp in BFA LOL total joke stun fest of instant death mostly …

Thus that’s why you would do it.