If premades are allowed to continue

Eh. Here’s the problem.

RBG teams need to be premade. Should be premade
Non-rated teams should be allowed to group up.

The issue is that people want the curbstomp experience and other people don’t want to be curbstomped. It’s not fun to be in Wintergrasp for 30 minutes when it’s clear you’re not going to get anywhere due to a coordinated team.

However, this is a MMO. If you don’t have friends that are organized enough to make the experience better for you; go get some. Also, multibox software isn’t illegal. Broadcasting single commands to multiple windows is. There are completely legal multibox software options out there.

Writing this after getting curbstomped in Wintergrasp for 30minutes is rather relaxing. I’m not a great PvPer. :slight_smile:

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It being an MMO doesn’t mean you should be required to bring a bunch of friends to enjoy it. Most people have lives and don’t have time to all organize this stuff. Nothing wrong with making things also fun for people that run solo. It’s the reason we know most of these sync people are prob living off SSI with nothing going on with their lives, no normal working human is going to be what they are doing so much.

I mean they did have a formatt for group ques…rated bgs with titles and rating.
They also had/have a larger war games format that allows two teams to que against each other. From a different wow era when token sales wasn’t the driving force behind wow.
I’m not sure why communities don’t somehow ressurect this mode and have at it.
But I think the main reason is the same we see in max level players queing into lower bracket PvP and blowing up leveling toons. That shouldn’t even exist! Neither should Que synch communities but here we are with a fat panda out of control

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tbf if premade communities actually helped foster relationships, people would be qing as 5 mans after joining communities with little regard for getting the same match as others, and just playing it out as 5 people. Like you could simply run 5x evoker and decimate clumped fights or run 5 shadowpriests and just camp on defense.

Its like the facade of like pre classic release romanticizing 40 man raids. I think at best out of all the raiding guilds I played over the years in wow there was only like 2-3 people in each guild I would chat with, thats with application screening of having a similar approach to our goals in the game filtering learning/communication styles. I can’t imagine hopping into a open community and the ratio being anywhere near that 10%.

The thing that boggles my mind is if 40 people just run 4x rated bgs instead they’d probably rotate all night playing one another and slowly creep up rating with mmr inflation over the season. Its blatantly obvious their goal is to just stack the deck, its a nice fantasy (if any of them genuinely have it) to want crews of 5 roaming the map, but their actions are doing nothing to promote the social circumstance that creates those clique friendships.


What boggles my mind is that blizz just completely ignores this epic que synch stuff. They don’t want to fix anything they are just lazy or incompetent or simply don’t care. Maybe a bit of all. Instead blizz does a hand puppet show and says “don’t look over there folks, look at me! I am Plunderstorm…buy some tokens”

I dont think I’d care as much but epic bgs is the gateway to attracting player participation in other PvP game modes. And they just let these cheaters ruin it


They don’t really want to attract players into pvp
More players in pvp = more work on pvp
They don’t want and don’t know how to work on pvp

Doesn’t generate token sales. M+ generates token sales!

i might be alone in my opinion, but PvP’ers are the biggest whales in gaming. Think of all the pvp games out there, if buying tokens/coins will mean a better result with minimal effort, then yeah.

go to a pvp server (you know what i mean), turn on Warmode, and everyone is on their Long-boy

in my opinion, pvpers will spend what ever it takes to get the higher ground. i’m kinda suprised you guys think the opposite though

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Unfortunately I must agree - the amount of money I spend on Fortnite shop is a bit scary. :scream:

PvP can definitely generate a lot of sales. No performance boosting but only cosmetic and emote, AND make PvP free to play - Blizz will be surprised by how much $ players will throw away :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:

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Pugs having the same tools as a premade and if they choose not to use them that’s their fault, basically saying it’s fair play vs a premade.

nowhere on this forum have i ever stated that pvp dont buy tokens. our numbers are to small for blizz to give a krap. even if every pvp player in wow bought a token…it wouldn’t amount to all the carebears buying tokens for raids/mounts/m+…its not worth blizz putting any effort into pvp

Premades and sync queue groups are literally the same. A community group all in the same wow community who announce, “Premades starting in XX” and people start grouping up in 5’s with battleground commander running, and start the synching/dodging. Then, they all get in there together, mostly… and go to town. I’ve been in these communities, I know what happens. Maybe one group will miss the queue, or end up in a different BG, but it’s rare, usually it’s 25-35-40 of them all together in the same discord and community.

Everyone can use cheats so cheating is ok. That’s your logic.

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Premades are groups of up to five, sync queue groups are multiple groups syncing queues so they can have more than five. How are they the same?

If I group with 4 friends and play randoms is the same to you as syncing a full 40 into epics? My point was OP wasn’t clear which he was complaining about until later in the thread because everyone thinks “premades” means epic queue syncing

5 man premades are as much of a cancer to 10 man bgs as sync queue to epic bgs, should limit group size to 3 players really.


where is the panda? did he get banned or have a heart attack or somethimg?

He made the mistake of going to the arena forums and arguing with people


:rofl: rip panda

Went to the arena forums, made a thread asking for new players to feed to his premades and hasnt been seen since.


Ohbob ususally only Pvp’s within a premade so he will take whatever stance ensures his premades survival.

Having half your BG be a premade whether in Epic (Sync premades) or Random BG against pugs is dog matchmaking imo.