If premades are allowed to continue

Blizzard may as well allow Multiboxing software again.

It be interesting to witness a full premade team vs. 2-5 multiboxing team mixed of Druids, Paladins. lol


It’s actually pretty amusing to watch a bunch of mad kids team up to fight a multiboxer in epic bg lol. Premades are a different story, no fun, just misery.


It’s amusing enough to see just a few rogues team up and camp the premade leaders. Mbox’ers camping them would be even better.


imagine 10-15 Boomkins and 7 Retro druids, with 10 Ret paladins, a handful of holy paladins. and the rest a mix of MM hunters and Disc Priests.

Oh cool, yet another thread that won’t distinguish between “premades” and “sync queue groups” so that we have no idea what they’re talking about until later in the thread when they’re complaining more


this one time on stonemaul we wiped Prepared when he tried to raid ironforge.
we pugged it nobody was in a group just the local chat channel.

Bring back multi boxers! More targets the better! It’s world of WARcraft is it not??

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I sort of just assume that they’re talking about queue syncing, no one in their right mind would complain about individual 5 man groups.

Although there have been those few who do. But they aren’t in their right mind, so it all works out.


premades= 5 man groups queing into bgs
que synch dodgers =cheaters


I will admit that historically I have had more fun fighting Multi-Boxers than multiple 40 Man Ruin raids in WPvP.

I don’t have a problem with Multi-Boxers in PvP. The real issue with Multi-Boxers was gathering bots.

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Explain to me why it’s okay for 5 players to group up together and dominate a battleground by having half of the team (5/10) in a discord call or premade together.

But having 20/40 (which is also half) in an epic bg is unfair and bullcrap. Because typically only 20 people get into premade matches at most.

Either they’re both unfair or neither are.

Do you think that I think this?

I know you know that I play with premades. I don’t think it’s unfair.

Girl I don’t know anything these thoughts are only filled with animal crossing and collecting toys on wow, so apologies.

I’ll probably regret this, but what is your reasoning behind believing it to be a fair tactic? And no, “it’s allowed by Blizzard” isn’t an answer here. What’s allowed and what qualifies as fair aren’t always the same thing.

Taking a large, coordinated group into EBGs against people who near-universally will have gotten in through solo queue, knowing this gives you an insurmountable advantage, doesn’t exactly strike me as very fair within the context of a video game. I mean, I join premades from time to time, but I’m going in knowing full well what I’m doing isn’t fair.

As above, 5 man premades in random battlegrounds are fine, yes?

Not really, no. Premades should be grouped with other premades, not with randoms. If this means longer queue times for them, so be it.

Where’s the fun in it, anyway? You go steamroll a bunch of people that have little to no coordination and likely even less skill at the game. It’s boring without resistance. Not what I’d call fair.

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Pug players have the same tools available to them to coordinate that premades do.

If they choose to not use them, that’s their fault.

Why assume that the percentage of players using voice communication is the only metric for gaining a competitive advantage? There are multiple variables at play, and team size is one of them. To put it simply, with smaller teams, coordination can be achieved more easily without voice communication.

In a random wsg, I saw one of the premade runners from this thread, and he and his premade group did terribly in that wsg. In the 8 vs 10 opening fight in mid, they were sent to gy fairly quickly. I bet that even if he ran a full 10-man premade in wsg, his win rate would still be much lower than his nearly 90% win rate in Epic bgs.

My guy, the in-game voice chat doesn’t even work half the time.

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Then link a discord to chat, it’s not hard.

Anyone can make a server, it doesn’t cost money, you can make burner servers if you really want to.